View Full Version : Finishing for moisture resistance

8th December 2002, 10:40 PM
G'day all,
I have been asked to make a timber slatted shower mat to stand on after showering (ie outside the shower recess). So it will not be constantly wet, just get "dripped on".

I am going to make it from jarrah machined from recycled floor joists and fix the 3 cross slats with glue and brass screws.

What should I finish the timber with…scandanavian oil, boiled linseed oil? Any other suggestions? If no finish is applied, I feel that the jarrah will ‘weather’ and, even though the edges will be rounded over, this might lead to the edges becoming rough and create a risk of splinters.

Your advice is appreciated.

11th December 2002, 06:56 PM
Thanks... I have contacted Ogranoil and the Organoil Priming Oil looks like the best bet. They say that it would be better to glue up before using the oil... or else wait for at least 2 weeks for the oil to 'cure'. Any comments on this?

Any experience with Lanotec - a lanolin based water resistant finish?

The other product suggested by a marine shop was Deks Olje, used for finishing boat decks, but I think the Organoil is the way I'll go.
