View Full Version : New house, new deck

Afro Boy
3rd February 2008, 10:21 AM
Hi folks,

Hopefully we'll win out on purchasing a new house. We haven't got it yet but I'm already planning the new decking and keen on people's thoughts.

As you can see from the first photo, the existing ground level is awfully close to the inside floor level. There's also that awful piece of concrete sitting outside the door. I'm happy to dig out around it, but reluctant to remove it.

Do you think it would be structurally safe to use it to rest a joist on? It would extend over the end of it and be attached to a proper post or 2. Keen for ideas on this.

Also keen for ideas/links/pics of how we might finish up the end to get it to lead into the rest of the empty back yard (pic 2).



3rd February 2008, 10:31 AM
"structurally safe"??????

safe for what, a 230mm fall to your death? I think to be fair there are no safety considerations to be had, though there are some pest considerations to be had, if the area has any probs with termites - lot colder down your way than here.

slightly off the house, with a paver laid on mud for bearer is the way i'd do it - but i'm bodggy and always looking for the easy way out.

Man on man, could that place dow ith some eaves though - must be hot in the afternoon in there - thats what I'd be doing first, and planting some decent sized trees in the middle of the backyard too! ;)

Afro Boy
3rd February 2008, 01:51 PM
Yeah I guess it is a pretty silly question given the height (or lack thereof). :B

Eaves - they seem to be a thing of the past with many of these new homes. Sad that is. I'm thinking of building out a pergola of some sort as well which should help. :burnt:

Plenty of opportunities for trees and a decent sized shed/shop too. That's why we like this place. Hopefully we win the bid!


3rd February 2008, 02:37 PM
Where's the SHED!!!!?????

Afro Boy
3rd February 2008, 05:23 PM
See the big area of vacant space in the backyard? That's where the shed's going - the biggest one I can possibly get away with without getting into trouble!

Afro Boy
2nd March 2008, 06:25 PM
We had our final inspection before settlement on the weekend. I headed over with the camera and a tape measure. So here's the deal:

The concrete is 120mm from the top of the brick step (internal floor level). I'll be digging out the grass area and putting in some posts so that area's covered.

So what's the structure for a low lying deck? Do the top of the bearers line up with the top of joists? i.e. I use joist hangers attached to the inside of the bearers?

Also, with only 120mm to play with (less thickness of the decking), what options do I have here? Is 100mm bearer/joist height acceptable?


3rd March 2008, 08:41 AM
We had our final inspection before settlement on the weekend. I headed over with the camera and a tape measure. So here's the deal:

The concrete is 120mm from the top of the brick step (internal floor level). I'll be digging out the grass area and putting in some posts so that area's covered.

So what's the structure for a low lying deck? Do the top of the bearers line up with the top of joists? i.e. I use joist hangers attached to the inside of the bearers?

Also, with only 120mm to play with (less thickness of the decking), what options do I have here? Is 100mm bearer/joist height acceptable?


120mm is luxury!!! I had 115mm to play with for my deck in places, Simply used 90X45 joists and bolted into slab using loxens and lengths of all-thread. Spaced it off the concrete with using horseshoe packers or plastic shims in various thicknesses.

Afro Boy
3rd March 2008, 09:21 AM
Excellent. So I can place the decking directly onto the 90x45s?

Here's what I'm thinking about the two options.

1. Bearers only with decking directly on them.
2. Bearers & joists at the same level.

Thoughts, theories, criticisms?
