View Full Version : Searching

1st February 2008, 09:20 PM
I have posted before about my inability to access the search area. It is a hit and miss affair. Mostly a miss lately. I am signed in correctly and on the most recent occassion I logged out and then signed in again to be sure.
Is anyone else having difficulty accessing the search facility?
Is it my computer?
Is it me? I don't think so as I can gain access every few days using the standard access icons.
What can I do to improve access?
PS. I can't access quick links when I try as a test against the search icon.
I have tried 'ctrl' and click on the search icon in case it is my security settings.
Any help would be appreciated.

2nd February 2008, 05:06 AM
Hi John,

Searching is a hit and miss affair, Ive posted a number of times, I get a response where I just kick myself. eg homemade planes.......

The functions all seem to work for me on the forum. I use Firefox and XP.

8th February 2008, 08:06 AM
Haven't been able to use the Search function for a couple of days - first time I've had problems with it.