View Full Version : CV, Job application question

1st February 2008, 08:21 PM
Hey all,

I've had it with computers and I would like to apply for a job but I've been self employed for many years, and the only companies that I have ever worked for that I would want references from are all gone! (hopeful they don't think me working for them is a bad omen)

Any tips on a modern way to set out a resume (although I think they call them CV's now). How do I get around the references - say I worked for the companies but they don't exist, or maybe 'extend' how long I've been self employed and just supply current business (client) references from those I've built up a rapport with?

I'll be crapping myself at an interview, however the head office is interstate and no local office so I'm not sure how its going to be done just yet. Applications are to be posted to the interstate address.


1st February 2008, 08:32 PM

couple of things. Dont downplay the fact that you have run a small business. You are a manager/worker/accountant etc in your own right.

Seek.com has stuff on resumes/cvs and lots of stuff. You can also get a resume done professionally.

Make sure you speak to the contact officer. Be honest about your situation and ask for help. A good contact officer will help you through the application, what to put in and what to leave out. They are an under used asset in my opinion. :)

Usually (IME) you need a cover sheet which is short and to the point;

Your Details
what position you are applying for
almost dot points as to why they should read on to the next bit

Selection criteria where you address key abilities

And finally

Your CV

1st February 2008, 09:25 PM
Thanks mate.

I can't downplay that I run a small business, its the only thing I have going for me!!!

Its going to be hard to address the selection criteria as I haven't really had the work experience they are looking for, but its one of those jobs that a normal human being with life experience, good communication skills, and in this case a knowledge of the product they are selling (which I have) will excel at the position. Theres a bit of driving involved so with 17 years driving with a perfect driving history and a modern car, I think I am in with a good chance.


1st February 2008, 09:49 PM

Have a look at this site http://www.cvtips.com/gap_history_CV.html
You will find most answers there!


2nd February 2008, 05:01 AM
Its an employees market out there, most companies are flat otu getting the staff they want. With your experience you have a big leg over most candidates. List all of the activities you have had to perform and put the sales first, you've had to sell your skills.