View Full Version : Water Softener

1st February 2008, 04:35 PM
Hi all,
I built a new house in 1992 and the plumber installed a Hardie Commandomatic S7 water softener.
The unit has been regularly maintained with salt and backwashing.
Two weeks ago the main valve housing suddenly split and water was gushing out.
I called in an emergency plumber who disconnected the unit.
The plumber is chasing up parts and in the meantime we are connected to the normal water supply.
Interestingly, no one in the household has noticed any difference in the water quality with regard to soaps, shampoos and detergents.
Is it possible that the water softener ceased functioning many years ago? Do they soften water indefinitely if maintained?
Just curious. :?

Honorary Bloke
1st February 2008, 11:07 PM
Interestingly, no one in the household has noticed any difference in the water quality with regard to soaps, shampoos and detergents.
Is it possible that the water softener ceased functioning many years ago? Do they soften water indefinitely if maintained?
Just curious. :?

It is possible, but not likely. Water softeners are fairly simple devices and seem to work if kept backwashed and supplied with salt.

What IS possible, however, is that the water in your area has:

--always been fairly soft, and you never needed a softener in the first place.
--now started coming from a different source (unlikely, I admit) which has fewer minerals

My bet is on #1. But on the chance that your softener quit working ages ago, I would have a water test done to check for hardness of the local water. :)