View Full Version : Two pack poly that looks like Danish Oil
29th January 2008, 01:25 PM
Stopped in at a redgum furniture maker in Halls Gap who sources it from Italy.
It's thin and soaks into the timber; could have sworn it was an oil finish.
Anyone know any more about it?
29th January 2008, 01:28 PM
Any finish applied thinly enough will look like oil.
29th January 2008, 02:41 PM
Sure, but I'm guessing that you don't thin 2 pack poly or else this pro woodworker would have gone down that route.
29th January 2008, 03:26 PM
Unsealed timber would soak up the majority of first coat.
Not sure about clear finishes but you can thin 2 pack paints mainly to help with spraying, using correct thinners of course.
31st January 2008, 09:11 PM
You cannot thin out any VOC coating, or it will not be compliant any more.
I don't know if you have this problem over there.
1st February 2008, 12:21 AM
Why dont you ring the guy and ask what it is and where he sources it,
sounds like great stuff if its real.
1st February 2008, 11:04 AM
Yeah. Good idea.
10 minutes after driving away I kicked myself for not having asked.
Just as a btw, this is the guy:
I usually stop at furniture and craft places in the country to see what's being made. And I have to say that much of the furniture quality leaves something to be desired. Partly that's a matter of style: guys using recylced timber and filling large holes with black expoxy - not to my taste.
But this guy's work is tops.
He uses sustainably harvested redgum from local forests that's been kiln-dried for a month and air-dried for 2-3 years. No cracks or knot-holes, and some of the figured drawer faces were breathtaking.
1st February 2008, 01:11 PM
I know that you said 2 pack but it reminded me of an article some years back in an Australian publication of how to thin poly and apply with a cloth as per french polish. Can't remember the procedure perhaps someone can shed some light on it?
1st February 2008, 03:08 PM
Ok, I'm assuming here, but an oil finish is a natural wood look and feel but with a degree of lustre and durability?
The most common 2 pack clear base available here reccomends that the first coat should be thinned "up to 25%" to allow it to penetrate. Now with some good preparation, would this first coat not be similar to an oil finish, maybe some wax or EEE to adjust?
1st February 2008, 04:02 PM
Vinnie, Minimax wipe-on poly might do what you're thinking of. Never used it but many turners speak well of it.
Cruze, mebbe. But if someone's onto a good thing I'll follow in their wake for a bit.
So here it is:
Not a lot there but I'll chase them up.
1st February 2008, 04:04 PM
Now I'm feeling embarrassed....
....just down the road from me and have never visited. Ah well, quiet weekend coming up, might go down and have a peek.
Thanks for the info rsser. Hope you enjoyed the Grampians!:)
1st February 2008, 04:49 PM
Sure did Hafgan. Had a few days in the YHA ecohostel.
Did a bit of walking but it was disappointing how much is still closed in the Gramps.
So back to topic: the phone person on the site above couldn't really help but is getting a rep to ring back. Quantities appear to be 5 l at the min.
They gave me the maker's site and after 15 mins of reading I'm none the wiser:
1st February 2008, 04:59 PM
Ring the guy at the shop and explain your interest (and that your not competition) and ask if he could sent you a bit.
I often give little pots of wax or stains to interested people.
And thats not unusual in the trade.
Youll have to sent suitable small containers and post money.
He can only say no
If your too shy give me his number and I'll do it.
After all I'm not a manufacturer
1st February 2008, 05:36 PM
Good thinking Astrid, ah, Mel.
And thanks.
Let's wait for the rep to get back to me.
Hadn't thought about a sample pack; will ask him.
2nd February 2008, 01:05 AM
17th February 2008, 08:10 PM
FYI. I went to the Grampians today and found the workshop shut; apparently Tim had a bad accident riding his Ducati around the Grampians and is in a pretty bad way.
Best wishes from me anyway for his full recovery. From the window, some of his work looks great....
17th February 2008, 08:28 PM
Not good news for someone self-employed.
(Coincidentally I'd planned to be up there on the Fireblade but decided against at the last minute.)
23rd March 2008, 12:50 PM
Latest news on Tim.
He hit a roo at under 80kph. Airlifted to the Alfred; section of skull removed due to swelling of the brain; 1 ruptured spinal ligament; 4 broken ribs, puncturing the lung; broken collar bone and right hand.
A month in Epworth Rehab underway.
23rd March 2008, 03:41 PM
Poor fellow, hope he bounce's back.
23rd March 2008, 03:46 PM
Ironic: the top race-bike riders have leathers made out of kangaroo skin.
(It's lighter and more supple than cowhide.)