View Full Version : Can a gas hotwater system be successfully painted?

28th January 2008, 11:07 PM
hi guys,

i've got one of those rinnai hot water systems (photo attached) and was wondering if it's possible to successfully paint it without it peeling off.

not 100% sure if it will stick or if the heat will make it peel, etc. if possible, id love to paint it black.

if possible, could someone please go through the process with me eg, what sort of undercoat and paint to use? if you think its a bad idea and i should steer clear, please advise also.



28th January 2008, 11:23 PM
You could use an automotive engine paint (enamel)....its heat resistant up too around 300c I think, however, the question to ask is then, would the appliance run hot .....black being an absorber of heat ( sun rays )...the unit would probably run hotter than it was designed for and decrease life expectancy ...so my advice ......ring the company and ask them if painting the cabinet in black would affect its normal working life ......methinks they are painted in sandstone for a reason ...then again ...I could be wrong :roll: