View Full Version : white polish

27th January 2008, 09:15 AM
HI all
Does anyone know if white polish is the same thing as shellac? I have some Feast Watson Mastertouch white polish. I have been recommended to use shellac on timber kitchen cupboard doors.

If so, would several coats of white polish be the final coat or would you put something else over the top of it? It says it can go under water or oil based finishes, but I suspect maybe it can be used on its own?
Thanks for your help

27th January 2008, 09:31 PM
What is "white polish"?

27th January 2008, 10:37 PM
White polish = white shellac

28th January 2008, 02:19 AM
Is "white shellac" the one we call clear or blond shellac? Or is it a clear shellac with white pigments?

28th January 2008, 10:47 AM
Is "white shellac" the one we call clear or blond shellac

28th January 2008, 11:09 AM

Thank you.

29th January 2008, 08:05 AM
Is "white shellac" the one we call clear or blond shellac It may be what you call clear but it isn't blond shellac.

White Shellac is the waxy version of acid bleached shellac. In it's raw form it looks like a crushed, pale powdered Violet Crumble guts (puff candy/honey comb). It comes in large, hard, pale cream, sheets and is crushed to a powder. As below:

In liquid form it has a pale cream colour through to a light fawn colour depending on where it was washed prior to crushing. If left to stand in the bottle it will separate with the wax falling out of the mix to the bottom of the bottle in a cream colour leaving clear, pale honey colour, dewaxed shellac above. In the liquid form it is known as "White Polish" or white shellac.

We use an even higher refined version for our White Shellac and as the base for our friction polishes, it has all the wax removed from the raw product. Hence the name White Shellac (Dewaxed) (http://www.ubeaut.com.au/dewaxed.html).

Cheers - Neil :)