View Full Version : renovation forsale section

25th January 2008, 03:25 PM
Hi All
Is there a renovation Forsale section ,i have not found yet ? personally i think this would be a great idea as when renovating one always seems to get left with stuff that was not needs .and i have a stunning new 900cm cook top and bathroom sink i need to part with . ..
Regards rob

25th January 2008, 04:19 PM
G'day Rob,
Maybe try Buy Sell & Swap, and title your thread......"Excess to Reno Requirements".......just a suggestion

25th January 2008, 04:40 PM
Hi, I'm a newbie here and that was the first thing I was looking for, cause I am after some 'stuff' to finish my reno.
By the time I'm finished, I will probably have some 'stuff' to get rid of as well, read that as 'stuff to sell'.
By the way, this is one of the best sites I have ever come across and the only one I have bothered to join.
Thanks to all those who have supplied tips and tricks which I have noted already today, and I must confess, it was the LOTO (leader of the opposition) who found this site.