View Full Version : Removing Tiles
Ausie John
18th January 2008, 08:40 PM
Hi i am new to renovating can somewone tell me the best way to take tiles of a giprock wall it is a kitchen tiles are stuck verry good the kitchen is about 8 years old
Thanks John
18th January 2008, 08:47 PM
If it is a gyprock wall and it was me I would run a knife around the edge of the tiles cutting the gyprock. Then remove the whole gyprock panel and replace it before retiling or whatever you are replacing with. If the tiles are stuck that well the gyprock will be destroyed anyway and this will make less mess.,
Ausie John
18th January 2008, 09:02 PM
Thanks burnsy i think i might have to do it I did think i might have to do it
Any other suggestions would be welcomed
Cheers John
18th January 2008, 09:59 PM
Ausie John just smash the tiles with a hammer many times this will leave a suitable surface to fix the new tiles, unlike the Burnsy method it will create a huge mess, I've done it a number of times, but if you are realy fussy just rip out the gyprock and replace it
18th January 2008, 10:25 PM
I'd break one in the middle then try to chisel the rest out
Dirty Doogie
19th January 2008, 12:18 AM
If the tile glue has any of those black rubber bits in it (which they use to make glue flexible) and is cement based - remove the grout line above the row of tiles you want to get off - then with a squeezy type sauce bottle with a long neck - dribble/squirt a mixture of mineral turps and methylated spirits 50 : 50 (10% lacquer thinners will give the mix extra Ka pow) behind the tiles letting the glue absorb more and more solvent - then suddenly POP! off they fall.
Well it has worked for me several times on irreplaceable tiles. The modified rubber bits swell up and explode the modified cement. Dont smoke while doing it!
19th January 2008, 08:37 AM
Doing renos myself, advice from my tiler was to "gently" smash the tiles with a hammer and then tap them off using a 75mm broadknife under the edge. Worked for me.
Ausie John
19th January 2008, 08:45 PM
Thanks everyone know quick answer if the tiles are glued on in spots comes of easy but if they spread the glue with a spatler foreget about it