View Full Version : Telstra Prevented From Closing CDMA network

18th January 2008, 07:40 PM
On the news today, Telstra Prevented From Closing CDMA network until nextg has the same coverage. Telstra will have to change all their bodgy phones for ones that do work.

18th January 2008, 07:43 PM
On the news today, Telstra Prevented From Closing CDMA network until nextg has the same coverage...Looks like CDMA is here to stay then. Poor buggers in the country must be going nuts.

18th January 2008, 07:55 PM
Good to here!!!

CDMA will be here to stay I would say.:)

Wood Borer
18th January 2008, 08:05 PM
Living in the bush like anywhere else has it's positives and negatives. It would be great to have mobile coverage but we do realise that may not always be possible.

What gets up people's noses is when the likes of Telstra and the government speak so authoritively about giving us better coverage with Next G than CDMA and blatantly claim it is better when clearly it is not better.

Are they suggesting that their own technical surveys and the experience of people in marginal coverage areas are all liars? That is how it is seen.

In theory NextG should give better coverage than CDMA but in practice it does not even give the same coverage. There are no doubt good reasons for this and no doubt solutions to the problem. Fortunately the current government has had the guts to tell Telstra to carry out their promises and responsibilities.

Anyone who knowingly raises their customer's expectations beyond what they can deliver should be crushed and hung out to dry. Those who unwittingly give false expectations should be taken to task.

18th January 2008, 08:19 PM
the infrustructure is already there.......keep using it??:doh:

18th January 2008, 08:56 PM
Caught again the CDMA bullshiiiit said if you didn't change by the 18th [ i think ] you would loose you number, so I changed I have two CDMA phones that are still good. I will put them on a card plan. :(:(:(

18th January 2008, 09:01 PM
Crap happens
that's why I'm not going to rush into changing my internet from isdn in a hurry.

19th January 2008, 08:28 AM
haha serves them right.

Does that mean all the people they conned to swap from cdma to nextg can sue them to get their money and old phones back?

Big Shed
19th January 2008, 08:54 AM
At present CDMA has only been granted a 3 month reprieve (http://www.australianit.news.com.au/story/0,24897,23071932-15306,00.html) until the 28th of April.

Knowing Telstra, it WILL be switched off eventually.

19th January 2008, 12:25 PM
HWMNBO is now spitting chips and has been for the last 5 minutes when I read the title of this thread out to him...... :(

Ron Dunn
19th January 2008, 06:41 PM
Echidna, I've seen you post your love of ISDN a few times ... isn't ISDN a 64kb link? That's like trying to drive an Austin A40 on a freeway ... SLOOOOOOOOW and frustrating.

19th January 2008, 09:06 PM
My former northern NSW counterpart was instrumental in preventing the closure. Rang Tony Winsor and explained that if CDMA closed, so would the state's flood warning network. Timing couldn't have been better.

20th January 2008, 10:51 AM
I got a next g one. it did not work so they took it back.
So now i have lost my number
My cdma worked perfectly for 7 years !!!
monthly fee $10.
They now wanted $20. That's the cheapest.
Contacting local senator and mp again
keep up the pressure

Geoff Dean
20th January 2008, 07:51 PM
Found out yesterday what NextG stands for.

At a clearing sale and a dry old cocky was saying if you go over to the NextGully it might work. I'm still laughing.:D:D:D

Ivan in Oz
20th January 2008, 08:00 PM
Found out yesterday what NextG stands for.

At a clearing sale and a dry old cocky was saying if you go over to the NextGully it might work. I'm still laughing.:D:D:D

On Ya!!!!
I'm in Down Town Millmerran,
or is that UpTown:?
And neither the CDMA WORK callout phone;
nor my Next G work.

I have to take a walk up the sterrt to amke a call or send and receive Messages.

Must look like the Dork my Son says I am:B:o

20th January 2008, 08:41 PM
I was working between pitsworth and millmeran 7 years ago and all you had to do to get reception was stand on the roof of your car:?

21st January 2008, 08:09 AM
Telstra have given me a bloody horrible time over the last 12 months and I really don't want to do the nextG thing but living in the country choices are limited. Visitors from the big smoke get all confused when their phones don't work.... "but we know Vodaphone/ Dodo etc works everywhere!".....
I am wondering if anyone knows how well the "3" network goes in the bush. Most locals here have gone nextG because Telstra tells them that noone else can connect them.

21st January 2008, 10:24 AM
"3" simply does not have the coverage. Major cities, large towns and along the freeways is about it (I am on 3 myself). It works for me because I am in that area for the majority of the time and when outside of it I have access to alternative comms.

Cliff Rogers
21st January 2008, 10:48 AM
I changed my phone over from CDMA to NextG just before Christmas.
So far I have no major complaints, I even found a place that has a 3G cell that didn't have a CDMA cell.
Only thing I am disappointed about so far is the quality of the handset.
They give up ruggedness to have a heap of crap features that I never use. :rolleyes:
Who needs a colour screen with 900lines of writing on it that is so small that old pharts can't read it? :cool:

Crap happens
that's why I'm not going to rush into changing my Internet from isdn in a hurry.
Don't leave it too long if you want to change to Satellite, the Gubment subsidy runs out in the middle of this year.

.... isn't ISDN a 64kb link? ....
64kb each channel, there are 2 available, that gives you 128kb.
You can make a telephone call on one while you are still connected on the other.
The speed, while not as good as ADSL, is much better than dial up.
My only complaint is that while I was with Pigpond & Home ISDN on Telstra, the cheapest Internet connection only got you 500Mb a month.

I'm on Westnet Satellite now, speed is better than ISDN but the DNS seems to be slow, IE, it doesn't react as fast when you try to go to a web site, once you get there, the page comes down much faster.
Maybe it isn't the DNS, maybe it is just the lag. (latency) :shrug: