View Full Version : Measuring the internal of a window

13th January 2008, 03:42 PM
I am repairing and replacing some wire screens for my windows

Is there a trick to measuring the inside cavity of a window to determine how long to cut the aluminium for a wire screen

I am using small plastic hings thingo , 2 mm each , two of them

I need clearance say 2 mm

How do I measure the inside of the window , to mm accuracy with a tape measure or some other thing

Can I put a pencil mark on the sill and measure with a meter steel rule from each end then add the two together

journeyman Mick
13th January 2008, 11:12 PM
I................Can I put a pencil mark on the sill and measure with a meter steel rule from each end then add the two together

Yep, that will work. I generally measure from one side to a round number (say 800 if the window is roughly 900 wide) make a mark and measure back from teh other side and add the two figures together. If there's loads of this sort of measurement to make you could accurately cut a bit of timber at 100mm sit it in one side of the frame and measure to it from the other side.


14th January 2008, 06:31 AM
Try making one of these Ratchet.

http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j233/albyback/album2/story3.jpg :)

joe greiner
14th January 2008, 11:21 PM
Or just two short sticks and a C-clamp or two. No maths either way, and one less mistake to make.
