View Full Version : HB Derek Cohen

11th January 2008, 12:10 AM
HB Derek

11th January 2008, 06:48 AM
:2tsup: Derek enjoy

Celebrating in Tassie I guess

yet another Capricorn's Birthday

Cliff Rogers
11th January 2008, 09:36 AM
HB Derek. (Another Capricorn) :2tsup:

11th January 2008, 10:27 AM
HB Derek, get something sharp for your birthday?

11th January 2008, 05:27 PM
Hope you are enjoying the day and not travelling back to Perth! :oo:

11th January 2008, 05:58 PM
HB Derek, get something sharp for your birthday?

If it isn't when he gets it, it soon will be!

Happy Birthday Derek :bday3:

11th January 2008, 10:04 PM
Best wishes Derek, hope you have an enjoyable one.

12th January 2008, 12:46 AM
my best wishes as well


congratulations on your wedding anniversary


12th January 2008, 09:48 PM
HB Derek
Bugger late again

13th January 2008, 08:25 AM
No reply from DC? Hope he hasn't integrated:oo:

13th January 2008, 09:10 AM
Hi Derek,

Belated I know but,.. Happy Birthday I hope it was in Huon Pine country.

Trust you scored some special timbers or special tools in Tassie?

At least the weather should have been better than here in Perth.:)


13th January 2008, 10:56 AM
My thanks to all of you.

Got back from Tassie late Saturday (yesterday). Just 10 days there in all, so we decided to remain around the Hobart side of the island. There really was a great deal to see, so this was a good decision in the end. Tassie is beautiful. It was good for the soul to get into the mountains and forests.

Woodworking-wise, I was hoping for some "finds" at the Salamanca markets or around the place. Nothing doing. Salamanca was a major disappointment - one vendor that sold total crap at wildly exhorbitant prices. The only thing I bought from him was a bunch of unused Stanley blades - so unused that they had not even been heat-treated. I got these quite cheaply as a result. As it happens, I only wanted them for steel to make blades for knives - so the softened state suited me to a T. The only tool I picked up was a Frey brace in an antique store somewhere.

Hobart is very tourist-orientated. There is quite a bit of furniture for sale in Huon pine, Murtle, etc. Boxes everywhere. None of it what I would call fine woodworking. Beautiful looking but mass marketed joinery and finishes. I did meet a turner, Kevin Rayner, and visited him at his workshop, where I came away with three bowls (no way I could make this quality). He gave me a few lengths of Huon pine and Sassafras, all which came home.

Birthday-wise, a few things ... I am waiting on a half-back saw by Mike Wenzloff (http://www.wenzloffandsons.com/saws/), which will be a present from Lynndy. A picture will come when it arrives.

This picture is off Mike's website (it is not mine):


A couple of other items, both of which have arrived. The first was a 1882 Miller Patent Plough Plane kit made by Paul Hamler (http://woodcentral.com.ldh0138.uslec.net/cgi-bin/archives_handtools.pl?read=106072&v1=ncsidhfucbnasy32589743943nfc89wy2fhf2398r&v2=%20zxxkjcn4387sd78v96423n7234ctcb680bcc4807c&v4=Polyurethane&v3=dlkjnvjkn48v7867vdvd87345nbhjkbvfhvbryvby478564r). More details on that at a later time.

This is what the kit might look like once finished.


The other item I came back from Tassie to find waiting. This was a Bridge City (http://www.bridgecitytools.com/pages_framework/frameset_stage.asp?primary=0&secondary=0&tertiary=-1) SS2 saddle square. It is tiny and jewel-like. Will be a useful tool.


Best present of all was coming home.

Regards from Perth


13th January 2008, 11:19 AM
happy birthday. Have a great day.