View Full Version : Doing a search on "MDF"

Afro Boy
10th January 2008, 05:48 PM
Seems like there's a limit of characters you can search for. Anything with 3 characters or less gets ignored. This means you can't do a search for "MDF" or "Ply".

Any chance of changing this? Alternatively, any way around it?

Big Shed
10th January 2008, 05:51 PM
Seems like there's a limit of characters you can search for. Anything with 3 characters or less gets ignored. This means you can't do a search for "MDF" or "Ply".

Any chance of changing this? Alternatively, any way around it?

Yep, use the Google search at the bottom of the page, type mdf in the search box, select "search the WW forum" and lo and behold you get more hits than you can poke a stick at:D

Wood Butcher
10th January 2008, 05:52 PM
Try being more specific with your search query. What is it about MDF that you are looking for. For example "gluing MDF".

Failing that do a site specific search for MDF using Google. This might help you get around the character limit, but I will warn you that "mdf" will return a lot of results on it's own.

Afro Boy
13th January 2008, 05:19 PM
Strange, but I can't seem to find a google search on the forum site.

I've just been using my normal google search bar with "site:woodworkforums.com" appended at the end of my query.

Perhaps, I'm just not looking hard enough???

Big Shed
13th January 2008, 05:25 PM
Strange, but I can't seem to find a google search on the forum site.

I've just been using my normal google search bar with "site:woodworkforums.com" appended at the end of my query.

Perhaps, I'm just not looking hard enough???

Afro Boyy, if you look at the bottom of this page, just above "Forum Caps now available", hey presto, there it is:D

DJ’s Timber
13th January 2008, 05:27 PM
The google search bar is only available on the ubeaut skin. You can change this by going to the bottom left of the page and there is dropdown box which will probably have wiki-blog default in it. Change this to U-beauts.

Big Shed
13th January 2008, 05:29 PM
The google search bar is only available on the ubeaut skin. You can change this by going to the bottom left of the page and there is dropdown box which will probably have wiki-blog default in it. Change this to U-beauts.

Guess what? That's the skin I use:rolleyes:

Afro Boy
14th January 2008, 08:06 PM
Perfecto! Thanks for that.

I don't like this skin though, but at least I know I wasn't going crazy before.

3rd March 2008, 12:23 PM
d@mned if i can find forum caps available or the google search
i am using the ubeauts skin