View Full Version : Low Level Deck

9th January 2008, 03:34 PM

I have been asked to build a free standing low level deck / boardwalk for the house which leads out the back. The size is 1 meter wide by 2.5 meters long and is is set at a finished height of 90mm off the ground. I have got some decking boards (70mm merbau) from a relative so all i need to buy is the posts and joists.

What I am after is some advice as to setting up the frame for the deck. Should i be using posts and a 'bearer less' construction? Also could anyone offer any advice/sketch as to setting up the frame for the deck?


9th January 2008, 08:55 PM
what is the ground you are going into? or is it over a concrete slab?

the first thing that springs to mind is using concrete strip-footings as bearers.
the second thing that springs to mind is your joists will need to be wet-rot resistant.
the third thing that springs to mind is you'll have to sterilise the ground or use extensive weedmatting over a bed of compacted sand to ensure it doesn't turn into a nice raised-level patch of grass :U

r's brynk

10th January 2008, 02:20 PM
I have a similar requirement in Murrumba Downs, can anyone recommend a builder/deck person?