View Full Version : reviving nitro cellulose?

9th January 2008, 11:53 AM
I have inherited two 1930s decco bedroom suites which i want to get rid of.
the vaneer is beautifully figured but is obscured by the laquer that has gone opaque, as stuff of this vintage tends to, that muddy mid brown look.
I think its nitro cellulose (goes crusty when disolved with meths) witha dusty smell.
Is there any way of reviving the clarity without totally stripping.


9th January 2008, 12:17 PM
If it is NC lacquer it will have discoloured like cellulose sticky tape does ( goes brown / affected by UV light) there is no way of reviving it.

9th January 2008, 12:24 PM
you may be able to remove the bulk of it with a pad wetted with thinners. (use gloves)

from there you could refinish by padding with white shellac

9th January 2008, 12:56 PM
Thats a pity, I thought that was going to be the case, was hoping someone had a magic solution.

I would refinish them but as they're not worth much on the current market and there are two whole suites to do, looks like a trip to the brotherhood.

such a shame with the lovely veneer.

