View Full Version : how the hell do i send pictures

8th January 2008, 04:33 PM
Gday all I am as computer iliterate as they come how do send pics on this site it makes no sense to me every time i go it asks me for a URL number or somethin the images are just on my computer on my pictures file any help would be grand!

8th January 2008, 04:41 PM
G'day patty,
Its really pretty simple once you get used to it.
1. Make sure your pics are under 100kb
2.scroll down the posting page, and you will find "attach files"
3. Click onto "Manage Attachments"
4. a window will open that says upload files from your computer
5. click "browse"
6. choose the pic you want
7. "upload" your pic
8. Send your message and pic.

Sounds a lot...but after the first one.......it'll be like riding a bike.

8th January 2008, 04:46 PM
what Watson said ....thanks mate

8th January 2008, 06:01 PM
G'day manoftalent,
Sorry mate I've got to disagree.
I don't have a website, or a web storage facility.
I do it straight of my desktop...as per my previous post.
here's an example:

Dirty Doogie
8th January 2008, 06:07 PM
Hi Noel - the pics my camera takes are about 4 megs in size - and The rule is only 100kb for a pic. How do I get from my 4 meg file to under 100kb. The only pic edit programme I have is Microsoft paint and I dont seem to able to reduce pic size on it very easily.

DJ’s Timber
8th January 2008, 06:11 PM
Gday all I am as computer iliterate as they come how do send pics on this site it makes no sense to me every time i go it asks me for a URL number or somethin the images are just on my computer on my pictures file any help would be grand!

Hi Noel - the pics my camera takes are about 4 megs in size - and The rule is only 100kb for a pic. How do I get from my 4 meg file to under 100kb. The only pic edit programme I have is Microsoft paint and I dont seem to able to reduce pic size on it very easily.

Have a read through this thread (http://www.woodworkforums.com/showthread.php?t=36666), has been covered extensively in there.

8th January 2008, 06:16 PM
There you go!
What DJ said..that thread contains everybit of stuff you need to know.........about photo stuff that is!!!
Have a read and see what you come up with.

joe greiner
9th January 2008, 01:12 AM
Tonnes of good ideas in DJ's link. But for the nonce, the simplest way is to shoot your pix at smaller file size. Look for something like "Resolution" in your camera's manual. "Film" is cheap enough to experiment with different settings to arrive at a satisfactory file size (both large enough and small enough). Use the higher-tech methods as you become more computer literate and/or wish to save larger files for posterity.


9th January 2008, 08:48 AM
thxs for that lads I am still battling it but Im sure I will get it sooner or later!

9th January 2008, 09:37 AM
thxs for that lads I am still battling it but Im sure I will get it sooner or later!Pattycake, hi. The simplest way to get pictures from a digital camera down to a size suitable for posting here is to email them to yourself. If you're using Outlook it will ask if you want to reduce the size of the photos before you send. Click yes. Then click on "get mail" and when they arrive in your in-box save all the attached photos to a "My Photos" folder you make on your desktop. Then, when you follow the earlier instructions the photos are easy to find and post here via the "manage attachments" area of the thread post editor.

Cheers (clear as mud I s'pose)

Stick with it. (if you still have trouble get some geeky 8 year old kid to give you a hand :2tsup: :U they know every damn thing about computers! )


Dirty Doogie
9th January 2008, 11:52 AM
Thanx for the links ! After looking up some of the image resizing programmes and discovering most are now 30 day trial downloads I finally found a free image resizer on the Microsoft Power Toys page http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/downloads/powertoys/xppowertoys.mspx

Works a treat! Very easy.