View Full Version : Page not found

8th January 2008, 02:13 PM
Is any one else having problems with 'page not found' etc [ 2.10pm] or is it my browser !!

8th January 2008, 02:25 PM
and Database not available message too

8th January 2008, 02:43 PM
So.... I obviosly violated the rules but whoever moved the post do you have an answer or was that just something you do as a part of your job description.

8th January 2008, 02:48 PM
I wasn't answering just agreeing and adding to your post I am having the same problem

DJ’s Timber
8th January 2008, 02:50 PM
I moved the post, you haven't violated any rules.

Sometimes it happens as the server may be busy or is being updated. If it's happening regularly, you need to tell us, as there may be a problem.

At this stage I don't know of any updating going on, so the server may have been busy at that point.

8th January 2008, 02:54 PM
I wasn't necessarily referring to you 'wheelinround' unless you were the one who relocated the post

8th January 2008, 03:09 PM
That's fine DJ.& full marks for the diligence
I would assume that others like myself who 'bookmark' to the building section will continue to see the 'moved' post. [ Personally, not digressing on the forum, I didn't know there was a dedicated area to post to for such problems.

joe greiner
9th January 2008, 12:53 AM
I occasionally get one or both of these messages. Usually around midnight or 1AM with respect to GMT+10 - seems to depend on whether or not DST is in effect. Most likely database updates, as DJ suggests. Often, a refresh or second boink is enough to get to the link. Another possibility is that signals get bounced all over between me and the server; very easy to have a hiccup along the way, and second boink always (+/-) works.
