View Full Version : Evap Air Con No Go!!!

8th January 2008, 10:35 AM
I have a problem with a remote controller for a Bonair Evaporative Cooler. It has simply died and the company says they no longer supply them. Can another controller be used? Maybe it could be hard wired to a controller?

8th January 2008, 01:49 PM
Remotes are relatively simple things and it is possible you simply have a dry solder joint inside or that either the infra red (or perhaps radio) sender in the remote or the reciever on the wall has snuffed it....not that difficult to test nor fix. At least for someone with a bit of electronics nouse. Have you any friends or family handy with a soldering iron? Failing that....ask a TV repair shop to have a quick look and advise on possibilties

8th January 2008, 03:38 PM
Check the remote by using your digital camera turn the remote on and aim the camera at the infra-red and it will show up in the lens if working. Thanks to someone else's post I was able to check mine this way

8th January 2008, 04:56 PM
how about replacing it with a universal remote if its truly messed up?, i have a logitech harmony that you can download configs from the internet to the remote so you dont need to program it.

8th January 2008, 04:57 PM
Check the remote by using your digital camera turn the remote on and aim the camera at the infra-red and it will show up in the lens if working. Thanks to someone else's post I was able to check mine this way

Now that is a clever test - thanks for posting it!!