View Full Version : I don' usually clean...that's what I got married for.

Big Bird
7th January 2008, 10:25 PM
G'day all,

I would post photoes here but I just have no idea of how to do it.

Oh yeh...I'm the crazy bloke with the old piano.

If you are able to get to my photoes at www.myspace.com/harryg73 (http://www.myspace.com/harryg73) and have a look at the photoes of the bits I have called the string guides. They seem to have some sort of painted finish on the top, hence the black appearence, and the sides seem to have a coat of clear something, but the chamfered? bits are raw and after being exposed for all of these years have become quite grotty and dirty looking.

Could anyone suggest how to or with what to clean these bits?

Once again, and as per usual, all advice is greatly appreciated.