7th January 2008, 08:25 PM
Just having a little problem with my spraygun
it was shooting lacquer perefectly till i changed the pressure at the compressor to do a hosedown of some dusty electronic chassis
now it is shooting in streams like um ssst ssst ssst ssst
the higher the pressure the closer together the ssst ssst's are in between the sssts their is no lacquer flowing [or water when i clean the gun]
i have the pressure high or low and change the pattern control and the airflow control here and there and i cant get it right - before i made the change the other day i could open and close the air control and pattern control however i liked..it seems to be entirely due to the pressure being changed and i cant get it back right - its stuffed
the pressure it was on originally i didnt write down :((
its just a simple S770 gun i bought from bunneys for $70.00 or so and 45 litre compressor
i have seen it before but got lucky one day and got it right - i shoulda never touched it
its not rocket science -
so what is causing it ??
it was shooting lacquer perefectly till i changed the pressure at the compressor to do a hosedown of some dusty electronic chassis
now it is shooting in streams like um ssst ssst ssst ssst
the higher the pressure the closer together the ssst ssst's are in between the sssts their is no lacquer flowing [or water when i clean the gun]
i have the pressure high or low and change the pattern control and the airflow control here and there and i cant get it right - before i made the change the other day i could open and close the air control and pattern control however i liked..it seems to be entirely due to the pressure being changed and i cant get it back right - its stuffed
the pressure it was on originally i didnt write down :((
its just a simple S770 gun i bought from bunneys for $70.00 or so and 45 litre compressor
i have seen it before but got lucky one day and got it right - i shoulda never touched it
its not rocket science -
so what is causing it ??