View Full Version : Kwila Stain

6th January 2008, 07:02 AM
Just finished this deck, I use Kwila,is that the same as Merebu?

Was wondering what oils I could put on it to keep the red look of the timber, How long should it weather before I put anything on it? would you guys reccommend?

6th January 2008, 07:14 AM
Kwila and Merbau are the same.
I've just finished a table in Merbau and used Intergrain natural finish, which is >60% Wood Turpentine as the finish.(see my post about a Chrissy table in the woodwork pics forum) It goes on very easily and keeps the red colour well (at least I hope it will.) I put it on immediately after I had finished the table and will refinish whenever I feel it necessary. You don't need much. I used about a litre for the total job.
It's also available in Merbau "colour."

