View Full Version : Brackets in Breeze Blocks

5th January 2008, 06:58 PM
I am making an outdoor shelf in a court yard that has breeze blocks. I am going to have a bracket at each end but the span is 2m between these brackets. What is the best way to install a support for the shelf in the breeze blocks as I do not think there is enough space to drill into the brick without cracking it. Is there a special bracket or shelf support made to do this job. Attached picture shows an example of the bricks on the court yard wall. The shelf will only have orchids on it so will not need to support an excessive weight.

Dirty Doogie
5th January 2008, 07:36 PM
I wouldnt even consider trying to put any sort bracket in those design of breeze blocks - they would break very easily - I'd put the brackets in the bricks instead. If you are proposing to use a wire mesh shelf it may be possible to wire the shelf to the blocks. Specialist nurseries have all sorts of clipable shelf supports for attaching mesh shelves.