View Full Version : Poly box trailers

4th January 2008, 07:40 PM
Has anyone any experience with poly box trailers, please? (eg see http://www.southerncrosspoly.com.au/boxtrailers.htm )

I used to have a nice well built box trailer many years ago but it rusted out sitting out in the weather. I have always rented them ever since and that is by far the most economical way to go for the few time that I would use one - but having a trailer in the yard to toss rubbish into at any time without having to rush so as to get the trailer back to the rental firm on time would be very convenient.

Poly trailers are at least twice the price of others but I have seen ungalvanised new trailers rusting in the dealers' yards so I am swayed towards the poly ones. They are expensive though - like $1500.

Any bad experiences or otherwise that anyone can share, please?

5th January 2008, 06:51 PM
Aunger import a small (4ft x 3ft) trailer as a flat pack which sells for about $450. All framming is hot dipped, sides etc are pressed/folded from abt 1.5 mm gal sheet. Have had one for more than two years, no rust showing up yet despite spending a fair amount of time outside in the weather. I have car towed without hassles with barrow or rotary hoe, but mainly use it for landscaping on back of ride on. Rated at 350Kg I think, but I regularly load it to the brim with fine clay spoil etc (abt 18cu ft, 2/3 metre). Walls remain straight with such a load while fully closed up, but flex outwards 15 mm at the back when I open the tailgate to dump (tipping trailer), but come back happily. So far have no managed to bend anything. Also have a 6x4 steel and access to a 13x7 tandem as well, so I select to need.

If this is a bit small, Bunnings in Melb are selling a big brother abt 6x4 with similar construction and materials for $895. Might have similar in your area or be able to aquire as a special order. Have had no exposure to the Bunnings model other than walking past at 5m distance.

5th January 2008, 06:56 PM
Thanks Malb. :)