View Full Version : Lantana

2nd January 2008, 05:48 PM
I've got about 4 more acres of lantana that needs to come out. So far i've been cutting it down with secateurs and then digging out the roots with a mattock. In some of the more open patches i've used a loop of chain behind the 4wd but i still have to dig out the roots. It's back breaking, soul destroying work. The missus says i should poison it all but i'm reluctant to spray that much area. Besides which, it's raining too much at the moment to be spraying.


2nd January 2008, 06:17 PM
4 acres with secateurs? you need to upsize - tractor, ripper, job done. clean up regrowth with glyphosate and/or mattock.

2nd January 2008, 07:26 PM
you have 4 choices. (in order of price)

1. burn
if you give your local rural fire bregade a donation they will happily come and burn it off for you.
this will kill most of it however you may get some regrowth.
that will need to be sprayed/dug out

2. is to spray.
lantana is verry hard to kill most of the normal sprays roundup(glysophate)and amicide will only knock the leaves off it and it will regrow unsless you cut it off and swab the stump with a 50/50mix.
however lantana dp 600 (spray) will kill it realy well and leaves no resadue in the ground (4 day plant back period)
and so long as it dosent rain within about 4 hours of spraying it wont affect it.
it dosent kill grass either but i may make the leaves fall off sme trees (wattles).
it is not harmfull to animals you can leave them in the padock wile you spray.
we use a boom on the back of the tractor it would take about 1/2 hour to spray 4 acres.
or we do it with the quadbike and it would take 2 hours.
you can pick up a 50 litre tank with 12volt pump to rum off your ute/car for about $300-

2. burn
if you give your local rural fire bregade a donation they will happily come and burn it off for you.
this will kill most of it however you may get some regrowth.
that will need to be sprayed/dug out

3. is to get it slashed
get someone with a tractor (slashing contractor) to mow it all down
and when it shoots back up again dig it out.
or spot/ boom spray it with lantana dp 600

4. machine
get someone with a bobcat/tractor/excavator or doser to push it out into heaps and then burn it

i would strongly suggest you spray it.

2nd January 2008, 07:57 PM
The paddock has other trees in it which i would like to keep, otherwise i'd go with the burn. Sounds like spraying is the way to go. The missus has been using roundup in the past and like you say, it just browns the leaves. How quickly will the Lantana 600 work?

2nd January 2008, 08:06 PM
the leaves will wilt in about 6-12 hours and the plats will die in 5-14 daysdepending on temriture, season, size of plant and amount of wetting. you can also add a wetting agent witch will help it die quicker and better.

2nd January 2008, 08:23 PM


2nd January 2008, 09:27 PM
Goatses......you need some goatses......:D

3rd January 2008, 12:10 PM
A guy up this way bought a couple of Camels, and let them loose on his property, as he heard that they'll eat the stuff.

Haven't heard how he got on yet. Though there is a rumour going around that they have eaten everything else in his paddocks before they started on the lantenna:doh: