View Full Version : Sir Walter Buffalo struggling a bit

1st January 2008, 08:20 PM
Hi all,
I'm hoping someone here might be able to shed some light on the problem I have with my new front lawn.
I laid Sir Walter Buffalo down about 10-12 week ago on about 100mm of premium Sand/soil mix.
It took a little longer to take because we had a unusual amoumnt of rain but since the sun has come out it's gone gangbusters.

Over the last week or so its start to look very.....off! It doesnt look all that green with shades of brown/yellow. The 'leaves' dont look like that thick green grass but a stringy type grass.
The only thing i can think of is that I fertilised the lawn 10 days or so ago with Buffalo booster and I may have not water it in enough. I have read that this can cause problems.

Any way I'm after some feedback, The picures below should tell the story.


Bleedin Thumb
1st January 2008, 08:43 PM
Same question as your vibernum thread....have you applied fertilizer recently?

2nd January 2008, 11:59 AM
Yeah I've applied the Buffalo booster which apparently is a NPK fertiliser. I've done it twice, once when I first laid the turf and again about a week or so ago.

It seems as tho I should lay off the fertilizer.

Cheers again

Bleedin Thumb
2nd January 2008, 08:19 PM
I would say that you should water it in a bit better.:D

You only really need to do it once a year unless you live on a sand dune.

BTW give it a good drench and it will come back gangbusters!

3rd January 2008, 09:18 AM
Roger That!

I'll give it a crack and see how it goes.

Thanks BT

3rd January 2008, 02:11 PM
I laid Palmetto around 12 weeks ago and it was starting to dry up in patches and i found where i had field in the gaps that they were drying up and not taking.

Since i gave it a good flood ( a real good flood) a couple of times a week for 3 weeks it turned into the lushes and greenest grass in my neighbourhood. Now its surviving beautifully on just natural rain.

7th January 2008, 08:07 PM
Hi there,

As above when you water a buffalo variety you need to water it less frequently but when you do it needs to be drowned. The rains that we have had around Sydney of late have really helped the lawn to come back. When I do water it's an hour at least for the front lawn alone and it's the smaller lawn.

Good luck with it. I'm considering Sir Walter out the back so I am interested in how you progress.


7th January 2008, 11:18 PM
I also have Sir Walter and posted about 2 months ago about a similar problem.
I reckon overall the lawn is average. Looks fantastic when green and lush but anytime where there's people or pets running on it it will brown and look crap.
I went on holidays for 2 weeks, when I left there were brown patches near my window where the dog would jump up and look into the window at us, when we got back from holidays (and the dog hadn't been jumping up at the window) the Sir Walter had grown back nice and green......so my conclusion is where there's heavy use on the grass you'll get brown patches.
Try flooding it - hope it works, but my thinking is you also need to keep off the lawn!!
Which is ridiculous....