View Full Version : Bloody Cats In Garden

26th December 2007, 11:18 AM
What is the best way to keep my neighbours cats out of the garden (and fish pond).They Sh___T all over the place .

The neighbour doesn't want to know about it.

26th December 2007, 11:25 AM
What is the best way to keep my neighbours cats out of the garden (and fish pond).They Sh___T all over the place .

The neighbour doesn't want to know about it.

A bullet.

Geoff Dean
26th December 2007, 11:31 AM
Borrow my dog.:D

Get Wongo to come around, apparently he likes them....with a nice sweet and sour sauce:D

Other than that, about 6 disprin in a bowl of milk....no more cat problem.:D

Ron Dunn
26th December 2007, 11:35 AM
Do you see them? If so, get one of those big water pistol (cannon?) things that kids use to put each others' eyes out.

26th December 2007, 01:10 PM
Trap it a few times and tell your neighbor he can pick it up at the pound.

DJ’s Timber
26th December 2007, 01:34 PM
Ring the local shire or council office, check the regulations for your area and if it states that cats must be keep within the boundary, lodge a complaint which should result in a visit and possibly a fine from the local bylaws officer. Take timestamped photos every time you see them if possible.Or as Eli says pick it up and ring the Ranger stating that you have a stray animal.

I use to have visits from some of the local dogs here harassing my dogs through the fence, so I just let them on to my property by opening the gate and then called the Ranger who would come out and pick them up within the hour and take them to the pound. Owners then had to pay a release fine plus another one for allowing the dogs to roam. The visits dropped off dramatically after that.

26th December 2007, 04:20 PM
What Wongo said.

I'd happily wait for the cats to show up around here, the mynah birds too, take careful aim and phfft (sound of target air riffle shooting) they're dead. Except the bleeding hearts made it illegal.

:think: now that my little girl has chooks I wonder if I'm allowed to protect them?

26th December 2007, 04:39 PM
Border collie X husky..

Never had a cat problem:D:D:D never seen a cat here:D:D

PS a german shepard works just as well

Colin Howkins
26th December 2007, 06:27 PM
Now there Strungout, don't get strungout about these cats.

Here is a system that works well.

Electric Fence.

String it around your fishpond/garden, but it must be of a height that the offending critter has to crawl under it and be in contact with the hot wire..

I have them rigged up around gardens and the like, and it keeps out dogs [my own] possums that raid the water melons, rock melons and anything else that takes thier fancy.

They will bump into it once, if they are really dumb twice. AlI have to do these days is just string up a white cord and that's enough.

When the cat/dog/possum walks into it for the first time you will hear about it

Give it a go

26th December 2007, 07:10 PM
Shanghai + Jaffas, failing that a trap and some turps/kero spotted under the tail - they'll never be back.

26th December 2007, 07:19 PM
Have to agree with Eli here - get a possum trap or something similar, bit of fish paste or whatever. Then take the offending moggie to the RSPCA/pound - if the neighbor is a real dweeb then pick one far away to visit.

The air gun and the Panadol treatments are far more personally satisfying & permanent, but the RSPCA do not approve, but they will put the cat down themselves :no:

26th December 2007, 08:26 PM
Mr Howkins , please please tell us how you set up this electric fence ! I have a wayward possum who S--TS and C--PS all over my tools in the shed and loves to make herself at home inside MY home as well as all her offspring. It has been there for a few years coming and going and has chosen MY shed as her materity ward. Would this be an alternative other than sending her to the Pearly Gates when and if I can ever catch her. :((


26th December 2007, 08:33 PM
Cats, I could do with one right now, got mice in the workshop, keeps leaving his whatsits all over my bench, must remember not to eat up the chocolate biscuit crumbs left over myself the next day.

Colin Howkins
26th December 2007, 08:53 PM

You can usuallly pick these things up at a Produce Merchant and can either be run by batteries - usually 2 D cell - or plug into the mains. They operate on high voltage/low amperage, from memory the one I use operates art around 40,000 volts.

They do come with instructions, but this is how it works.

The electric wire when set up is a complete circuit. When an animal comes in contact with the wire, it must also be in contact with the ground [earth] when this happens the circuit shorts to earth via the body in touch with the wire and the ground.

This could present a problem for possums that enter via wires, trees etc.

For a ground based application, put star pickets, along or around the circumferance of the area you with to protect. You can get hard plastic star pickets and, of course, the steel ones. If you are using steel star pickets you have to get insulators to insulate the hot wire from the steel.

The energizer is connected to the wire and also to earth - generally by a stake and a connecting wire, and the whole thing is ready to go.

The possums I have kept at bay travel over ground to get to my veggie patch etc, and so this system works. If they were dropping in from the trees, I would have to hope they would walk out and I'd get them then.

Like I said.....works for me

Geoff Dean
26th December 2007, 09:17 PM
some turps/kero spotted under the tail - they'll never be back.

Don't forget to tie an old milo/coffee tin with some stones in it onto their tail. Best to use elastic, cos with string they will eventually stop, with elastic every time they leap forward the elastic stretches and then the tin whacks them on the bum, they can run for miles.:D:D

27th December 2007, 12:14 AM
Thanks Colin. I will look in that asap down at our local produce shop. :2tsup:

27th December 2007, 12:19 AM
:think: now that my little girl has chooks I wonder if I'm allowed to protect them?

Waldo depending on exactly where you live chooks may be considered stock and any animal that harasses stock might be legally put down.

(but is it pronounced ha-rass or har-ass? Sorry that millimetre thread has me all twisted up):U

27th December 2007, 09:48 AM
Strungout try White Pepper or Cajaun spice srpinkled liberaly on the garden etc

other than that planting Rose and Lemon Scented Geraniums we have found keeps them away as do Roses with heaps of thorns.

tea lady
27th December 2007, 09:57 AM
You could try stuffing them in backpacks and leaving them on the bus. That's probably what those girls were up to on that other thread.:o (Math time )

29th December 2007, 05:47 AM
Thanks for the replies.Yes,the bullet (or slug gun) etc were my first thoughts but I might try the council /trap approach.

I also have 3 blue tounge lizards in the yard and I am concerned that this stinking cat is going to get hold of them.

Ivan in Oz
29th December 2007, 06:00 AM
G'Day Strungout,

I too have a BlueTongue family here.

Anothger way is to be Kind:D:rolleyes: to the Felines.

Open a can of Tuna for them.
Give it to them 10-14 days later, after opening:doh:

29th December 2007, 12:57 PM
cook some toadfish up in an old can and leave it out for the cats.

29th December 2007, 05:02 PM
A 2 litre Coke bottle taped onto the barrel of a .22 makes a damn fine hushpuppy. Just make sure you use std velocity ammo.

Don't ask how I know:D

29th December 2007, 05:29 PM
Do you see them? If so, get one of those big water pistol (cannon?) things that kids use to put each others' eyes out.

And add some bleach to it.

Cats that arent in thier owners yard should be killed. Filthy native animal killing garbage. :D

29th December 2007, 05:31 PM
A mate of mine had a swimming pool and set up a walk the plank thing that pivoted in the middle. Put some cat food on the end, kitty walks the plank and drowns :2tsup:.

29th December 2007, 05:37 PM
A mate of mine had a swimming pool and set up a walk the plank thing that pivoted in the middle. Put some cat food on the end, kitty walks the plank and drowns :2tsup:.

Thats brilliant, Ive started digging as I type....:D

4th January 2008, 12:31 PM
To all the small minded people out there, I feel sorry for you that you find a cat so intimidating. I have two cats but I have also had univited neighbours cat troubles at my last house which I needed to sort out.

i found the best solution was just to turn the garden hose on them when they came around univited. It worked, they got the message that they werent wanted and there was no actual harm to the cat.

Nevermind the fact that someones family pet was still safe rather than taking stupid action that most have suggested.

Ask yourself how would you feel it someone treated your pet with cruelty if it strayed off your land.

I am not a fan of dogs, yet I would never harm one if It came onto my property.

If the cat or dog is a real problem I think the pound would definately be the best option if the owner was slack.

Oh by the way, cats can actually swim!!!

4th January 2008, 12:36 PM
I've got all the cats in the neighbourhood scared, they venture into my place they run off quick smart, they know I don't like them or the fact that they use my place as a hunting ground and use my car and inside my shed as a marking ground - do that and there are consequences.

Looking forward to getting a dog. :dev:

4th January 2008, 12:50 PM
Cats are really only dog food.

Trap is the best but I would not be telling the neighbour.

Had a bloke at work thought he would fix his cat problem by making cat disappear only to receive a flyer in the letter box from a 7 year old girl who lost her cat and she was offering her pocket money for reward.
I think he was more distraught than the 7 year old girl.:o

Good Luck


4th January 2008, 12:55 PM
Cats are really only dog food.

Trap is the best but I would not be telling the neighbour.

Had a bloke at work thought he would fix his cat problem by making cat disappear only to receive a flyer in the letter box from a 7 year old girl who lost her cat and she was offering her pocket money for reward.
I think he was more distraught than the 7 year old girl.:o

Good Luck


Bet he feels like a big man now!!!!:~

and I bet he didnt own up to it either!!!!

4th January 2008, 04:19 PM
Oh by the way, cats can actually swim!!!

In a sack they cant...:p:p:p

4th January 2008, 04:37 PM
I had a problem with dogs and the only way was to use the following


It works and no more dogs

4th January 2008, 05:25 PM
'Ratsac' worked for me.

The best thing is it takes an hour or so to kick in, by that time they're off you land and you dont need to dispose of the evidence.

4th January 2008, 07:43 PM
A vote here for the scarecrow. I did not try the ultrasonic one from that mob but did try another two brands and while yes you can tell they can hear it they do not work - they will be hitting ebay. The scarecrow (Automatic water on cat machine) works great. Cats now take the footpath to go past the house :). With a bit of luck the lizard population will return :((

I had a problem with dogs and the only way was to use the following


It works and no more dogs

4th January 2008, 08:02 PM
I would rather cuddle a cat than a lizard.:)

Toolin Around
4th January 2008, 08:55 PM
The air gun and the Panadol treatments are far more personally satisfying & permanent, but the RSPCA do not approve, but they will put the cat down themselves :no:

It's cause there are too many retards that seem to think their home DIY poisons are perfectly all right :no: Most are too stupid and or deliberately ignorant to realize the animal suffers for hours and even days before dying. At least the RSPCA does it in a manner that brings the least suffering possible with what they have to work with. But there are those mongs out there that get a kick out of killing for the sake of killing.

Ivan in Oz
4th January 2008, 08:56 PM
Must disagree with you Woody,
May I disagree with a SUPER MOD:no::no:

I like my Blue Tongue.....:D

Also like the Parakeets, Galahs, and Magpies:2tsup:
Perhaps Not when they wake me far to early:~

Not the Indian Myna, Sparrows nor Starlings......Oh!! NOR Cats:~:~:no:

This debate progresses from Logical to Emotional,
me thinks.

4th January 2008, 09:10 PM
I would rather cuddle a cat than a lizard.:)

Nothing wrong with a pussy hey John? :)

4th January 2008, 10:03 PM
Hmmm . . . Looks like there's more than one way to skin a cat (and about six ways to cook them):)

4th January 2008, 10:06 PM
I had a problem with dogs and the only way was to use the following


It works and no more dogs

Any device to deter possums?:~

4th January 2008, 10:55 PM
'Ratsac' worked for me.

The best thing is it takes an hour or so to kick in, by that time they're off you land and you dont need to dispose of the evidence.

another big man!!!!!!:doh: do the population a favour and get a vastecomy!!!!

4th January 2008, 11:00 PM
This debate progresses from Logical to Emotional,
me thinks.

Yeah shame there are too many red necks out there. My goodness and I thought this forum was sensible.

Anyone thinks that it is entertaining to hurt someone else's family pet really needs mental help, seriously!!!!. If you have kids what sort of example are you setting for them????

No wonder the world has become what it is today!!!.

Maybe admin needs to shut this one down!!!

4th January 2008, 11:16 PM
damien, I have taken my moderator cap off, dont worry about it, remember some members like to stir up a bit a bit of emotion.:D

4th January 2008, 11:27 PM
oh i am not worried, i realise there are messed up people in this world. Hopefully they will stay in their trailer park away from anyone i know :D

4th January 2008, 11:34 PM
fair is fair. The next time one of the many various neighborhood dogs that wander into my yard to defecate and urinate everywhere, I am going to feed it ratsak wrapped in mince because it annoys me. :)

The General
5th January 2008, 01:18 AM
Why dont you pick up all the cat crap and return it to your neighbour. I'm sure he will appreciate a bit more then. Even in his letter box better still.

5th January 2008, 08:22 AM
I am a dog person, wife is a cat person and we have one of each. Yesterday I finished the outdoor cat run for stupid (cat not wife:rolleyes:) and he is loving it. We are growing natives to try and bring in wildlife so don't want any cats (ours or others) using our yard as a hunting ground. Any cats found in our garden will be gone, if you cannot responsibly own a cat (keep it under control) and live near me then don't expect to see your cat again. Many new housing developments have covenants with cat curfews or no cats at all due to the problems they cause and their irresponsible owners.


Ron Dunn
5th January 2008, 08:33 AM
Damien, no-one is talking about coming into your yard or house to hurt your family pet.

BUT, keep your animal in YOUR house, where the nuisance it creates is YOUR problem.

5th January 2008, 08:42 AM
There's been several threads along these lines that I can remember, and each time there are a few small-minded imbeciles who post DIY remedies such as those above. Whether it is in seriousness or to get a rise, it is about time the moderators got off their asres and deleted those posts when they occur. I'd remind the moderators of the rules of this forum:

By clicking on the Agree button when you register to become a member of Woodwork Forums you warrant that: you will not use this Bulletin Board to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law.

I'm sure all of those posts fall under one of those categories.
It is about time there was a zero tolerance to cruelty to animals.


5th January 2008, 08:51 AM
It is about time there was a zero tolerance to cruelty to animals.


Which of course includes those selfish uncaring cat owners who allow thier cats to roam at will slaughtering defenceless native animals who have no natural instinct to defend themselves.

Any cat outside of its yard should be shot DEAD on the spot.

Oh hang on, out of mind out sight and cats are just so cute hey :rolleyes:

Ivan in Oz
5th January 2008, 09:24 AM
Perhaps one of the differences here is that there is a [ another ] difference between
City Dwellers and Country Ppl who depend on the land for survival.

Out here we have
FERAL cats
FERAL Dogs / Dingo Cross
FERAL Horses
FERAL pigs

Indian Mynas

Cane Toads
Yellow-margined box turtle
Argentine ants
Fire Ant

Here are some more,
few seem "Silly" but are a real Pest

Which are the Problem?

The introduced ones.
Which should we dispose of or not dispose of ?

Similarly with Plants,

Mother of Millions
Cane needle grass
Giant rat's tail grass
Wild Turnip.....Very Very Pretty:doh:

The lists go on.

5th January 2008, 10:11 AM
Which of course includes those selfish uncaring cat owners who allow thier cats to roam at will slaughtering defenceless native animals who have no natural instinct to defend themselves.

Any cat outside of its yard should be shot DEAD on the spot.

Oh hang on, out of mind out sight and cats are just so cute hey :rolleyes:

As I've said on previous occasions, there is always a dumb human behind problems like these (cats, toads whatever). Animals do what is instinctual and when this conflicts with the local ecosystem, restrictions need to be applied by humans. NO animal deserves a cruel death or torture, and in the urban environment, no domestic animal deserves instant death else a situation like the 7 year olds story might follow. I don't see you jumping up and down about human sprawl and developers that not only kill poor defencless native creatures but remove their homes too. In the end we humans are resposible through our direct and indirect actions for the vast majority of ecosystem degradation.
chew on that

Big Shed
5th January 2008, 10:46 AM
It is all very well to philosophise on the why and who is responsible. As a small landholder in the country (25 acres) close to a regional city (Bendigo) the problem of feral cats, and to a lesser extent feral dogs, is a real one.

Most of my neighbours, and I, have to live with this problem and deal with it. The normal way is to set cat traps and when caught administer an overdose of lead.

If that offends some people, then I would suggest they come and visit my property, or properties like it, and view the result of feral cats on the environment.

The problem is real enough for Bendigo Council to take positive action and legislate for a cat curfew, which is a step in the right direction. Making it illegal for people, except recognised cat breeders, to own cats that have not been de-sexed would be a very good next step.

Being a country dweller my view is that the only good cat is a dead cat.

5th January 2008, 11:11 AM
I don't see you jumping up and down about human sprawl and developers that not only kill poor defencless native creatures but remove their homes too. chew on that

Well Michael start a thread on human sprawl and I'll join in with you, or perhaps you havent been reading the global warming thread where I identify that humans are damaging the planet and that we need a sustainable human population and to live with nature.....do keep up :wink:.

Of course I am not condoning torturing cats....just making the observation that cats torture to death millions of our native animals each year but thats fine for thier owners because they dont see it. My first wifes cat did bring her bunnie wabbit once, well two halves, one half in the lounge room and we just followed its insides to the dining room to find the other half....I bet that bunny wabbit had a wonderful death :)

As for cats....I'll meet you half way......any outside thier property should be HUMANELY put down.....see, we can always find a middle ground :D.

So what I propose is a govt sponsored trapping programme in cuddly soft cages put all over the countryside and any trapped are humanely put to death.....surely you cant argue with that :?.

"Dazzler and MicD sitting in a tree
T, R, A, P, P, I, N, G "



5th January 2008, 11:16 AM
Here are some more,
few seem "Silly" but are a real Pest

Thier not silly, have you SEEN how many Asiatic Elephants are clogging up the roads north of Bundaburg.......its a disgrace :D

5th January 2008, 12:40 PM
Damien / Mic-d,

Are your cats restricted to inside your house? If not how do you prevent them leaving your property when outside?


5th January 2008, 12:47 PM
Damien / Mic-d,

Are your cats restricted to inside your house? If not how do you prevent them leaving your property when outside?


They get a stern talking to before being let out..:D

5th January 2008, 01:56 PM
Go Dazzler, i totally agree with you, as a cat hater myself it's people like Damien who seem to have no problem with this useless flee bag killing our wild life. Is it any wonder some of our native animals are facing the endangered list. I am not saying that cats are to blame for this demise, but they certainly are not helping the problem. What really gets me cheesed of is i have a dog and i keep it in my yard, unfortunately cat lovers seem to think that they don't have to abide by the same rule. if i had sats destroying my garden i would firstly approach my neighbour and depending on the response i get, if it to be like stiff s**t mate, then the cat would be getting a nice saucer of milk with a couple of asprin to fix the headache. And don't worry Damien they don't suffer for very long.:((:((:((:((

5th January 2008, 02:04 PM
Go Dazzler, i totally agree with you, as a cat hater myself it's people like Damien who seem to have no problem with this useless flee bag killing our wild life. Is it any wonder some of our native animals are facing the endangered list. I am not saying that cats are to blame for this demise, but they certainly are not helping the problem. What really gets me cheesed of is i have a dog and i keep it in my yard, unfortunately cat lovers seem to think that they don't have to abide by the same rule. if i had sats destroying my garden i would firstly approach my neighbour and depending on the response i get, if it to be like stiff s**t mate, then the cat would be getting a nice saucer of milk with a couple of asprin to fix the headache. And don't worry Damien they don't suffer for very long.:((:((:((:((

why is it considered acceptable to kill someones pet cat if it strays into your yard?

Is it acceptable to slit the throat of the dogs that continually use my backyard as a dumping ground? Going by the cat haters logic, it would seem yes.

I don't have a problem with the killing of any feral animals. It should be law that all cats and dogs are desexed when sold/passed on as pets.

Ron Dunn
5th January 2008, 02:19 PM
Martrix, damned right it is.

I'm fed up with neighbourhood pests. A plague on all of them.

Before this thread I didn't know the efficacy of aspirin and panadol for dogs and cats. Now I know a way to rid our neighbourhood of the 24-hour barking, whining menace that the council chooses to ignore.

A pity it doesn't work on dirt bikes being illegally ridden on public land. If someone can solve THAT problem for me, I'll be a happy man.

5th January 2008, 02:42 PM
Matrix passing a law for animals to be desexed before they are sold is not going to solve the problem of the crapping in other peoples yards, as to your problem with the neighbours dog doing just that have you thought of putting up a fence to stop it from entering your yard.

5th January 2008, 02:57 PM
why is it considered acceptable to kill someones pet cat if it strays into your yard?

Is it acceptable to slit the throat of the dogs that continually use my backyard as a dumping ground? Going by the cat haters logic, it would seem yes.

I don't have a problem with the killing of any feral animals. It should be law that all cats and dogs are desexed when sold/passed on as pets.

With the dog you tie him up and the council comes and takes him away, calls the owner and they pay a fine.

Cats on the other hand are feral if not in the owners yard so I spose we agree :D

Big Shed
5th January 2008, 02:57 PM
Matrix passing a law for animals to be desexed before they are sold is not going to solve the problem of the crapping in other peoples yards, as to your problem with the neighbours dog doing just that have you thought of putting up a fence to stop it from entering your yard.

smeds, are you one of those "responsible" dog owners that assumes it is everyone else's responsibility to keep YOUR dog out, not YOUR responsibility to keep YOUR dog in?

I have a neighbour like that, when I complained about his 3 dogs continuously entering our property I was told to improve the fence!

My reply was, YOUR dogs, YOUR problem, YOU fix it!:doh:

5th January 2008, 02:58 PM
A pity it doesn't work on dirt bikes being illegally ridden on public land. If someone can solve THAT problem for me, I'll be a happy man.

Asprin in a bowl of milk I heard ......

5th January 2008, 02:59 PM
as to your problem with the neighbours dog doing just that have you thought of putting up a fence to stop it from entering your yard.

Dont give em a free kick smeds......just when we was winning :p

5th January 2008, 04:58 PM
No Big Shed i am a responsible dog owner, i keep my dog registered with the council in case it does get out, it is also microchipped so if it does get lost it can be recovered and it is desexed and i make damn sure it stays in my yard as i have a 6ft fence all the way around. If you have a problem with your neighbours dogs entering your yard via your fence then fix said fence and you have the problem solved. You could even approach the neighbour in question and both fix the fence, as i understand in most states fences are the responsibility of both parties. If you can't get a favourable response from your neighbour you could always do the flaming paper bag of dog s**t in the paper bag at his front door, might not fix the problem but hey it would sure be good for a laugh. Also how did we get onto dogs when this thread was about mongerl cats.:?:?:?:?

Big Shed
6th January 2008, 08:22 AM
No Big Shed i am a responsible dog owner, i keep my dog registered with the council in case it does get out, it is also microchipped so if it does get lost it can be recovered and it is desexed and i make damn sure it stays in my yard as i have a 6ft fence all the way around.

Glad to hear it smeds, so many dog owners assume that other people love their dogs just as much as they do.:D

If you have a problem with your neighbours dogs entering your yard via your fence then fix said fence and you have the problem solved. You could even approach the neighbour in question and both fix the fence, as i understand in most states fences are the responsibility of both parties. If you can't get a favourable response from your neighbour you could always do the flaming paper bag of dog s**t in the paper bag at his front door, might not fix the problem but hey it would sure be good for a laugh. Also how did we get onto dogs when this thread was about mongerl cats.:?:?:?:?

Yes, the fence is the responsibility of both owners. Several problems with that though, first of all it is 600m long, secondly it is in good repair, just not dog proof (standard square ring lock) It certainly doesn't hold out his dogs.

Anyway, the farmer next to him on the other side has now fixed the problem. His dogs got amongst his sheep once too often and he did what farmers do in that case (and are legally entitled to do) shot them.
Neighbour has finally got the message, and new dogs, and built a proper dog enclosure. If he had done that in the first place he would still have his dogs.

Don't know how we got on to dogs, I only responded to your suggestion that someone should build a fence to keep his neighbours' dogs out.

6th January 2008, 02:01 PM
Good to hear Big Shed, just hope i didn't cause too much animosity with my banter, i just couldn't let a chance to stir the pot as i did pass me by. I have to ask though, 600 metres of fence, how many acres are you on you lucky sod.
If i did offend anyone though, i sincerely appologise:U:U:U

DJ’s Timber
6th January 2008, 02:10 PM
Here you go smeds

I have to ask though, 600 metres of fence, how many acres are you on you lucky sod.

a small landholder in the country (25 acres) close to a regional city (Bendigo)

Big Shed
6th January 2008, 02:15 PM
Good to hear Big Shed, just hope i didn't cause too much animosity with my banter, i just couldn't let a chance to stir the pot as i did pass me by. I have to ask though, 600 metres of fence, how many acres are you on you lucky sod.
If i did offend anyone though, i sincerely appologise:U:U:U

We're on 25 acres, he has 29 acres, the blocks are triangular and we share the long leg of the triangle.

He has 3 kelpies (2 are the legal limit:() and we would need a fairly hig fence to stop them jumping over it, I don't think I would like to foot the bill, or even half, for that.:o

6th January 2008, 06:26 PM
Damien / Mic-d,

Are your cats restricted to inside your house? If not how do you prevent them leaving your property when outside?


In answer to this yes. Every night our cats are in by about 7pm and they stay in ALL NIGHT. During the week days, the cats normally dont go out at all except for maybe a 1/2 hour after we get home. I prefer they dont go out during the day whilst at work so that way they dont have a chance to annoy the neighbours. On the weekends they are outdoors whilst we are home and then they are always in the yard or on the house roof (one of them likes to sit up high???) If we go out they come in.

I completely agree that if it is a family pet it should be desexed. Both our cats were desexed before we got them. Only registered breeders should have pets capable of reproducing.

I also agree that ALL cats should be kept indoors at least during the night. That is when they will do any hunting. Please remember that they are natural hunters so if owners want to make a difference keep them in at night.

6th January 2008, 07:00 PM
Your a lucky barsteward Big Shed, i am very jealous of all the land, i only have 2 acres but unfortunately they are not the land type lol

6th January 2008, 07:42 PM
In answer to this yes. Every night our cats are in by about 7pm and they stay in ALL NIGHT. During the week days, the cats normally dont go out at all except for maybe a 1/2 hour after we get home. I prefer they dont go out during the day whilst at work so that way they dont have a chance to annoy the neighbours. On the weekends they are outdoors whilst we are home and then they are always in the yard or on the house roof (one of them likes to sit up high???) If we go out they come in.

I completely agree that if it is a family pet it should be desexed. Both our cats were desexed before we got them. Only registered breeders should have pets capable of reproducing.

I also agree that ALL cats should be kept indoors at least during the night. That is when they will do any hunting. Please remember that they are natural hunters so if owners want to make a difference keep them in at night.

Yes, much the same regimen here too.

I want to know why no moderator has responded to my previous post requesting that all posts advocating cruelty to any animals (whether tongue in cheek or no) should be deleted. Hmmmm?

Ron Dunn
6th January 2008, 07:56 PM
Perhaps they're all busy setting up the Vivisection forum?

6th January 2008, 08:01 PM
Maybe they think all cats are useless too..:rolleyes:

6th January 2008, 08:04 PM
Just a reminder that if you find a post offensive, the way to notify the mods is to report the post which is done by clicking the red triangle with the black mark in the middle.
Otherwise, we'd be here reading everyword of everypost.
Thanks people

6th January 2008, 08:09 PM
...posts advocating cruelty to any animals (whether tongue in cheek or no) should be deleted.

I didn't think any of these posts are tongue in cheek, else the posters would use smilies.

Anyway advocating culling of cats is not cruelty.


6th January 2008, 08:55 PM
Just a reminder that if you find a post offensive, the way to notify the mods is to report the post which is done by clicking the red triangle with the black mark in the middle.
Otherwise, we'd be here reading everyword of everypost.
Thanks people

ah ok didn't know


6th January 2008, 09:19 PM
I fully second Watson's post.

And along those lines, there are a number of subjects that I can't even be bothered reading past the title, either because it is the same old crap over and over (and no, I'm not referring to useful topics that happen to reoccur....), or because it looks like it will become so.

I've said this on a number of occasions, as much as there are 'formal' moderators, the forums have as many moderators as there are members. In some instances, a reply post will be enough, or sending a PM, or a reddie. As Watson has pointed out, report the post - might be worth reading the forum rules again because reporting is definitely documented there. You might not have the tools to lock a thread, delete posts, edit posts etc, but reporting it will result in it being read and considered by (typically) a number of moderators. The action taken may not always be visible either, there is a lot that happens in the background to keep this place running as smoothly as it does. If you report a post/thread, that post/thread WILL be assessed.

Do keep in mind, there are only a few moderators, and this place is HUGE.

6th January 2008, 09:48 PM
I didn't think any of these posts are tongue in cheek, else the posters would use smilies.

Anyway advocating culling of cats is not cruelty.


No, but some methods suggested are.

I also should say that I'm all for culling feral cats in country areas. I grew up in the country and I used to hate cats in the same irrational way that some have voiced here. And I am not unaware of stark realities of life in the country. I grew up on a dairy farm and one of my enduring memories is of dropping litters of pups in a hessian bag into the waterhole on the way to school and burying them after school - several times. That's just the way the farm operated- I now know better. I also now know better that cats are not evil, devious, cruel creatures in any kind of cognizant way that a human can be cognizant of such things. Humans have a duty of care to the ecology which includes the humane treatment of all those mistakes we have introduced. In the city, I'd say the majority of stray cats are owned by one's neighbours. We've evolved the faculty of speech and communication, why not use it to educate those irresponsible owners (which might include highlighting your right to trap them and deliver them to the pound)

I ain't going to say anymore on the subject.

6th January 2008, 09:53 PM
Do keep in mind, there are only a few moderators, and this place is HUGE.

amen to that. Too huge.


7th January 2008, 09:59 AM
I ain't going to say anymore on the subject.

amen to that. Too huge.

Fibber :q


journeyman Mick
7th January 2008, 10:14 AM
Fibber :q


Actually, he never said he wouldn't post any thing more to the thread, just that he wouldn't say any more on the subject.

Which he hasn't.:p


7th January 2008, 10:51 AM
Go brickie you just might have hit the nail on the head, but to all the cat lovers out there in fantasy land Boo Hoo have a cry, i give full marks to those that do keep their fur balls in night and day, but those that have the attitude that they need to roam free like a wild beast and kill any other native animal that crosses its path, i have no sympathy for.
Why oh Why was that dumb animal thought of, at least a dog is a companion, cats only come to you when they need a feed:p:p:p:p

Toolin Around
7th January 2008, 02:44 PM
Anyway advocating culling of cats is not cruelty.


I Wouldn't say that. Simply because the authorities let it happen knowing that those that are most active in culling any sort of "feral" animal are bogans. They come up with all sorts of ways to torturing animals and do nothing to solve the problem (Trapping and or poisoning the animals on your small property does nothing to solve the problem. It only perpetuates cruelty. And in some sociopathic way makes you feel better). Putting pressure on the authorities to direct resources (money) towards finding a permanent solution is a far better idea, but that would limit your ability to get your jollies by slaughtering animals. Eg. Australia Zoo is working on a drug to sterilize female foxes - a permanent and HUMANE solution to the problem. Civilized people look for more humane solutions to the problem - one that has some hope of solving it.

Some great bogan examples

Cane toads shot out of spud guns. Only the defiantly and deliberately stupid would consider this a solution. But it does encourage their inbred offspring to be even worse sociopaths than they are.

Or this one. A (no longer) friend's four year old son runs up to me and says as I remove a cane toad from the path "we throw them against the wall to get rid of them" I says how many times do you have to throw it against the wall before it stops moving? He says "lots, they don't died easy." I think the look on my face to the father said all there needed to be said - a55hole, how could you teach your son that.

Or this one. I have someone espousing the virtues of pouring detol on cane toads to kill them. I ask what happens when you do this (already knowing the answer). "they wriggle all over the place and go crazy". Why do you think they do that. "Dunno says the wise woman". I says it's cause you are essentially chemically burning them to death. Same thing if i were to spray you from head to toe with acid. Her response (now you have to know she's quite educated - shes a lawyer) "Well how else am I going to get rid of these fu^king pests" As she says this she has a look like I just pi55ed on her birthday cake.

My supervisor only had one shot gun shell left to kill a large litter of kittens. His solution was to stand back a bit farther and let fly. But the noise and movement that he expected to come from the sake made him quickly run up with a shovel and bury what what was left so he wouldn't be troubled. Inbred is a compliment to an ass hole like this.

Or farmers that hang the half dead dingos and foxes on the fences in some sort of sick and twisted superstition that it'll ward off other dingos and foxes.

Or as the idiots have posted here home made poisons that take hours and sometime days to kill. If you are one that employs such methods, and you know who you are, you are truly a sad individual. But since it's you who I categorize as deliberately and defiantly stupid it's highly unlikely that you care - but in fact laugh about it.

Now to be fair I think that there needs to be solutions found to solve the infestation of feral animals but putting it in the hands of stupid people like the examples above should be disgusting repulsive to those that are of any sort of civilized nature.

7th January 2008, 03:32 PM

Just as a matter of interest how do you get rid of cane toads humanely?:;


7th January 2008, 03:38 PM
Well it must be obvious by now Toolin' isn't a cane toad golfer. Are they any good to eat?

7th January 2008, 04:38 PM
I Wouldn't say that .

I disagree.

As I said advocating culling of cats is not cruelty. Maybe the way some people may go about it is, but that is another subject.


7th January 2008, 04:55 PM
Happy Hammer, the supposed humane way to kill cane toads and this is advocated by the RSPCA is to put the toad in a plastic bag, place it in the freezer and the cold puts it to sleep and it dies. they say it causes it no pain. the only problem you have is to make sure you get the right piece of meat out for the barbie lol.

7th January 2008, 04:58 PM
Well it must be obvious by now Toolin' isn't a cane toad golfer. Are they any good to eat?

Weres Wongo when you need him:D:D:D

Will solve both cat and toad problems :;:2tsup::2tsup:

Where is the tongue in cheek smilie ?

7th January 2008, 05:20 PM
I disagree.

As I said advocating culling of cats is not cruelty. Maybe the way some people may go about it is, but that is another subject.


I'll agree fully with Sturdee and add to take it further, that all feral pests should be culled by those licensed to do so (professional or farmers/land owners) without the use of poisons, inclusive of:

• cats

• dogs

• rabbits

• horses/brumbies

• deer

• carp

• trout

• buffalo

• foxes


7th January 2008, 05:20 PM

7th January 2008, 05:22 PM

Just as a matter of interest how do you get rid of cane toads humanely?:;


I always used a slug to the head. :2tsup: , that or I'd line 'em up on the road and run over them.

7th January 2008, 05:24 PM
I always used a slug to the head.

Have to be a small slug..... Otherwise, where did that toad go....

7th January 2008, 05:28 PM
Air riffle Gra, air riffle. :U

If it was really big I'd use an elephant gun. They get really big you know. :;

Big Shed
7th January 2008, 05:29 PM
I'll agree fully with Sturdee and add to take it further, that all feral pests should be culled by those licensed to do so (professional or farmers/land owners) without the use of poisons, inclusive of:

• cats

• dogs

• rabbits

• horses/brumbies

• deer

• carp

• trout

• buffalo

• foxes


Sorry Waldo, but poison is already widely used in the eradication of feral/pest animals eg:

wabbits - Pindone oats and 1080

foxes - fox baits

and I'm sure there are others.

But in the main I agree that we should go about killing feral/pest animals in what is euphemistically (now there's a fine "bogan" word!:doh:) called a "humane" way. .

I believe that trapping an animal, such as a feral cat, and then shooting it is as "humane" as it gets. But maybe there are more "humane" ways, but personally I wouldn't want to get any closer to a feral cat than the end of a rifle barrel, you have to see some of them to believe they can grow that big and ferocious!:o

7th January 2008, 05:35 PM
Air riffle Gra, air riffle. :U

If it was really big I'd use an elephant gun. They get really big you know. :;

I had this vision....

in my best Clint Eastwood tone. "are you feeling lucky toad"

7th January 2008, 08:44 PM
Sorry Waldo, but poison is already widely used in the eradication of feral/pest animals eg:

wabbits - Pindone oats and 1080

foxes - fox baits

and I'm sure there are others.

But in the main I agree that we should go about killing feral/pest animals in what is euphemistically (now there's a fine "bogan" word!:doh:) called a "humane" way. .

I believe that trapping an animal, such as a feral cat, and then shooting it is as "humane" as it gets. But maybe there are more "humane" ways, but personally I wouldn't want to get any closer to a feral cat than the end of a rifle barrel, you have to see some of them to believe they can grow that big and ferocious!:o

G'day Big Shed,

Yeah :( I know my FIL is one of them, re: the poison. Sadly poison doesn't discriminate.

:yes: on the trapping and shooting.

Haven't seen a feral cat, but my late Dad did and saw some monsters, he had a semi-auto .22 with a scope, he'd take out with him when he field work in Western Qld. He had his aim down pat so ithat he could shoot a 20¢ piece from 50m away - while moving in the 6x4 work vehicle while his offsider was driving. He (and I agree) said it was his bit of killing what feral animals he saw while out there.

7th January 2008, 09:33 PM
I hate people who do not lock there cats away 24 hrs a day, we lost three native ducklings to them this year:~.

When I use to work on the mines as an Environmental Coordinator we use to trap the feral cats on the lease to keep their numbers down and give the local fauna a chance. Here are a couple of pictures showing how big and healthy they get and what effect they can have on the native fauna. I am no expert but would expect that food would pass through their gut in 24 hours, do the math on what was in this cat. Note these two pictures are not the same cat.

7th January 2008, 09:46 PM
Love Em Or Hate Em......... Couldn't Care Less!

Thread closed!