View Full Version : Kitchen cabinet and benchtop overhangs

24th December 2007, 12:23 AM
Hi all,

Could anyone recommend/suggest what the norm is for benchtop overhangs (taking into account the 18mm door)?

Also, is there a norm for the overhang of the carcass over the kickboard?

I have bee planning on 40mm overhang for the benchtop, which should clear the door handles).

I was thinking 40mm for the carcass/kickboard overhang as well.

Sound ok?


24th December 2007, 07:05 AM
Most Cabinet makers have different measurements, according to how they make their style of kitchens. I dont think there is a standard amonst Cabinetmakers, however most are close, and there is no wrong or right.

The measurements that I use are,
40mm from the front of the kick to the front of the carcass.
50mm from the front of the carcass to the front of the bench top, in my opinion this allows any water that drips off the front of the bench top to drip on the outside of the doors.
I also leave a 12mm cavity back of the carcass and the wall to allow for wall run out.


25th December 2007, 05:17 PM
The HIA guide to 'Kitchen & Bathroom Construction' specifies;

Benchtop overhang - nominal 20mm to the front face of the floor cabinet

Kickboard - nominal recess of 50mm from the front edge of floor cabinet or 70mm to the front face of door or drawer