View Full Version : Gap between newly laid engineered floor

23rd December 2007, 09:23 PM
Hi all,

To my disappointment, I have noticed a 1mm wide gap between 2 end pieces of my newly laid Boral Silkwood Forest Reds floor.:((

Its right in the middle of the floor, so I will not be able to pull it up and push it together.

Does anyone have any ideas of filling this black looking void to make it less noticable? I think normal woodfiller may make it stand out even further!

Many Thanks

23rd December 2007, 09:42 PM
Is it prefinished? Boral's website implies so.

What about cutting a slip of similar timber that slides into the gap, and gluing that in? Shave off with a Stanley blade or razor-sharp chisel when dry, and call it good. You could possibly spot it with a little Danish oil or other non-glossy durable sealer.

23rd December 2007, 10:01 PM
Is it prefinished? Boral's website implies so.

What about cutting a slip of similar timber that slides into the gap, and gluing that in? Shave off with a Stanley blade or razor-sharp chisel when dry, and call it good. You could possibly spot it with a little Danish oil or other non-glossy durable sealer.

thanks Addo, I'll give it a go:2tsup:

23rd December 2007, 10:22 PM
do you mean 1mm. or 1cm. 1mm is nothing to worry about.

if so go and get some coloured wax sticks from a woodworking shop heat them up and buff off the excess from the gap, if the floor keeps on opening up then repeat or contact installer as there is a problem.

have you washed your floor with water,

have you but your A/C on with out having a humidifier as per borals user instruction booklet.

24th December 2007, 08:44 AM
do you mean 1mm. or 1cm. 1mm is nothing to worry about.

if so go and get some coloured wax sticks from a woodworking shop heat them up and buff off the excess from the gap, if the floor keeps on opening up then repeat or contact installer as there is a problem.

have you washed your floor with water,

have you but your A/C on with out having a humidifier as per borals user instruction booklet.

Thanks Gaza,

Its only 1mm..maybe 2mm. However, it does standout like a black void. Maybe its only noticeable to me!!

No water & No A/C.

The wood is from a batch 1 year old. Does this mean its less likely to expand or contract?

Larry McCully
26th December 2007, 07:07 PM
You want a flexable sealant in there to take up the gap. Use a colour close match using no more gap or fullers sealant. Why flexable? Under the floter is a 3mm maxalon underlay. Anything solid will fracture during traffic conditions. Flexable will roll with the flow. Use metholated spirits to wipe of the residue, not water. Inject in and allow to dry for 5-10 minutes , then wipe of. This will do the trick. Have a nice day

Larry McCully
26th December 2007, 07:08 PM
That is . inject in the sealant not the metho