View Full Version : Rain!!!!

Big Shed
20th December 2007, 04:59 PM
We just had a front come through that dumped 30mm of rain on us in half an hour!:2tsup:

Almost forgot what a decent bit of rain looks and feels like, quite dramatic with lightning and thunder to match.

Tanks are now more than 7/8 full, so we face summer with confidence we won't have cart water in.

Probably doesn't sound very exciting to you city slickers, but out here this is a big deal!:D

20th December 2007, 05:00 PM
Melbourne is in chaos. Never seen anything like it in Mordi. :oo:

20th December 2007, 05:20 PM
Yes, it was a shocker. The little shed ended up with a wet floor. The down pipes just could not cope. No harm done. It was a great light and sound show though.

20th December 2007, 05:31 PM
Melbourne is in chaos. Never seen anything like it in Mordi. :oo:

When was this Lingum last night was it ?
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20th December 2007, 05:35 PM
We just had a front come through that dumped 30mm of rain on us in half an hour!:2tsup:

Almost forgot what a decent bit of rain looks and feels like, quite dramatic with lightning and thunder to match.

Tanks are now more than 7/8 full, so we face summer with confidence we won't have cart water in.

Probably doesn't sound very exciting to you city slickers, but out here this is a big deal!:D

Glad that you liked the rain that you got but you would probably rather get it a bit slower.

On the weekend past we got about 30 cm of moisture, however ours was in the form of snow. Right now the temp is at 6 c so it is already starting to melt. When I was a kid we used to get this all the time but this is the first heavy snow this early in the season for a number of years.

If shipping wasn't so d*m high I would send you another 4mm to finish filling your tank.

Maybe if we get lots of snow this winter we won't have water restrictions this summer like we have had for the past few years.



20th December 2007, 05:38 PM
This arvo.... it hit around 4pm. Moorabbin copped it bad and apparently Port Philip bay is flooded

20th December 2007, 05:49 PM
apparently Port Philip bay is flooded

Of course it is, thats what Bays do. :?

20th December 2007, 05:58 PM
FYI, to convert snow to the equivalent amount of rain, you divide by 10. So working the other way around, 30cm of rain equates to 3 meters of snow...:o:o

For the record, I lived just outside Ottawa in the early 70's, when we set what was then (and may still be) a record of 180" (about 4.5 meters) of snow for a winter. Fun for kids, not so kuch fun for anyone who needed to get to work.

20th December 2007, 06:02 PM
Tanks are now more than 7/8 full, so we face summer with confidence we won't have cart water in.That IS good news. Hopefully enough water to fill a few dams and let farmers begin to think about restocking a bit too.

Ron Dunn
20th December 2007, 06:09 PM
Big Shed, I live on the edge of the Spring Gully reservoir ... first I watched about a hundred cubic metres of dirt and gravel wash down the street beside my house, then I helped a neighbour bale out the swimming pool that turned up in their garage.

It is a long time since I've heard thunder go for so long.

Big Shed
20th December 2007, 06:10 PM
Glad that you liked the rain that you got but you would probably rather get it a bit slower.

On the weekend past we got about 30 cm of moisture, however ours was in the form of snow. Right now the temp is at 6 c so it is already starting to melt. When I was a kid we used to get this all the time but this is the first heavy snow this early in the season for a number of years.

If shipping wasn't so d*m high I would send you another 4mm to finish filling your tank.

Maybe if we get lots of snow this winter we won't have water restrictions this summer like we have had for the past few years.



G'day Don,

No this is just right, at this rate it all goes straight into our 2 dams, ground is so dry that the water just runs over the top and straight into the dams.

We have 2 plastic corrugated tanks of 22500 litres (5000 Imp gallons) and there are 31 ribs, 3 mm of rainfall equates to 1 rib in the 2 tanks, which are interconnected. So that 30min downpour was responsible for 10 ribs, or about a third of the tanks.

This time of year, summer, we don't get slow steady rain, if we get rain at all, and so far this month we have 6mm, it usually comes down like it did today.

In winter, June July August, we get the slower drizzle type of rain.

Today we even had some hail stones mixed up with the rain, some were an inch across, all this on a day of about 30C!


20th December 2007, 06:20 PM
For the record, I lived just outside Ottawa in the early 70's, when we set what was then (and may still be) a record of 180" (about 4.5 meters) of snow for a winter......

And just to prove that I can whiz higher than you, in 2000 (when we lived in poo throwing distance of Cliffy and Mick) we had 7 metres of rain for the year (70 metres of snow). 3 metres of that was in one month, and 1 metre of that was in 3 days - all thanks to Cyclone Steve!! Bellenden Ker, which is about 7 km as the crow flies from us had 12 metres of rain for the year!!

20th December 2007, 06:44 PM
I think I sense a Monty Python skit coming on... 70 metres? Why that's nothing. Back in.......

20th December 2007, 07:01 PM
I think I sense a Monty Python skit coming on... 70 metres? Why that's nothing. Back in.......

That's funny. :):):):):2tsup:

20th December 2007, 10:51 PM
More Rain, More Rain......bring it on :2tsup::2tsup:

21st December 2007, 09:23 AM
This arvo.... it hit around 4pm. Moorabbin copped it bad and apparently Port Philip bay is flooded

It gets worse, I've heard that, with this afternoon's 50 odd mm, there is an expectation that the bay may flood its beaches, destroying the Mordi bridge project!! Also, Queenscliff is being sandbagged as I type!!

Oh! Woe!


21st December 2007, 01:41 PM
It's comming down again.....and getting worse :2tsup::2tsup:

21st December 2007, 08:22 PM
absolutely fantastic rain- loving it.
except for the poor office I had to try to rescue this afternoon.

This office has been a massive total refit that we have worked on for the last 6 month or so. Lotsa-lotsa dollars spent.
It was just finished- looking lovely, clients happily installed- then the rain of the last few days started to pour through the ceiling in a couple of spots:oo:

I should at this point say that the ceiling and the plumbing were totally the landlords responsibility:doh::D
so, in the second job of the day, after battling rush hour traffic to get out there (before we all disapear for a few weeks break) we start ripping open the ceiling to see what is going on.

The rooftop is about half the size of a small footy field- the downpipe plumbping about the girth of watermellons...
so, looking up and one of the flood points we notice (hard not to) that the first plumbed join to the roof well thing is TOTALLY unsealed- as in you could stick a finger and a half in the gap all around- light shining clearly through.:o Not to mention the bottom of the metal roof well thing was just riveting in place, with no sealant, light shining through 5mm gaps...

so as the next front started to pour down we just did what we could, lotsof gaffa tape, heaps of black plastic funneling, wheely bins, anything else that could hold water... etc...
did what we could and got the F out of there.

Poor Poor clients. There appears to be a decent rather decent law suit in the wind-
gladly none of our responsibility... just more work to do fixing up after the new year.

and as I finish typing it seems the last of the front has just passed- wonder if those wheely bins overflowed:o:doh:


21st December 2007, 08:34 PM
Front just arriving in the ACT

22nd December 2007, 12:09 AM
We're finally getting some too! We've all been outside dancing about on the crunchy remains of the lawn.

22nd December 2007, 08:19 AM
fantastic christmas pressie Shedgirl!!!
Have a happy one:U:U:U


22nd December 2007, 09:04 AM
Weird weather, it sounded like half of SA and Vicc has blown away or near washed away over the last couple of days and I was out in my little boat on dead calm sea with not a breathe of wind... we got a couple of mm of rain later but still no wind at all till today. I was hoping to fill my tank for christmas as my kids will be home for a bit and they have "city" showers if I don't watch 'em!

Big Shed
22nd December 2007, 09:11 AM
Weird weather, it sounded like half of SA and Vicc has blown away or near washed away over the last couple of days and I was out in my little boat on dead calm sea with not a breathe of wind... we got a couple of mm of rain later but still no wind at all till today. I was hoping to fill my tank for christmas as my kids will be home for a bit and they have "city" showers if I don't watch 'em!

Geez Christopha, that's rough. We drove from Bendigo to Adelaide yesterday and all the way from Horsham to Tailem Bend it bucketed, sometimes so hard we had to slow down to 80! Beachport isn't too far away from that road.

22nd December 2007, 09:51 AM
Send some of it up this way, we need it badly, Dams are down to 20% and still no sign of rain over the dam areas. Level 6 water restrictions in force.

22nd December 2007, 09:59 AM
Send some of it up this way, we need it badly, Dams are down to 20% and still no sign of rain over the dam areas. Level 6 water restrictions in force.

You can have all the rain that ended up in No 1 sons bedroom last night :~... Gutters overflowed and came down the walls.. 11o'clock last night we were empying his room and trying to find a place for him to sleep :~:~:~

Looks like it all turned out ok. The wall doesnt sem to have stained and all we got was wet carpet and a wet mattress, but not fun....

22nd December 2007, 01:11 PM
And a clean room.:D

22nd December 2007, 01:38 PM
Hope all who need it are getting it :2tsup:

Just think of all those tree's down if you have chainsaw and trailers :D be a good Aussie and help clean up

Western Sydney as per overcast muggy as being in a steam bath.

To those with damage hope all is well and fixed soon

Its happened in the past and will again just be thankful its not raging fires

22nd December 2007, 01:44 PM
Blame me.... I got back to Australia and the southern region started getting rain 'cause old Mother Nature knows how much I like it....

wonderful to see the once dying trees are already putting out new growth. :2tsup:

22nd December 2007, 01:56 PM
Blame me.... I got back to Australia and the southern region started getting rain 'cause old Mother Nature knows how much I like it....

wonderful to see the once dying trees are already putting out new growth. :2tsup:

Welcome back Clinton

22nd December 2007, 02:29 PM
Blame me.... I got back to Australia and the southern region started getting rain 'cause old Mother Nature knows how much I like it....

Got a pic of you in that suit yet??:)
Welcome back :2tsup:

Metal Head
22nd December 2007, 09:16 PM
Phew, I just heard on the radio that relief is in sight. Tomorrow it is expected to rain for only 23 hours:wink::D.

22nd December 2007, 10:26 PM
Looking forward to a green golf course when I get back from Holidays:)

We are on mains and not allowed to water.:((

Glad to see everyone is getting a share:D
