View Full Version : Electricians Licence-Melbourne

20th December 2007, 11:39 AM
Hi my Dear friens,:)

I would like to know how to get materials (books) for to study for
electricians Exam in Victoria.Is it anywhere can download any of the
books?or details?Please provide link...also please help in this...
Thanks for your time.

20th December 2007, 11:58 AM
In Vic to get an electrician license you have to do a 4 year apprenticeship
I believe its the same in all states
It was different in Queensland a few years ago but I believe they have changed to an apprenticeship now too

20th December 2007, 12:28 PM
Do you have any prior experience ie are you qualified from another source and looking for a license in Victoria?

20th December 2007, 12:35 PM
Thanks Nev25 n Simomtra,

Yes,I have already trade and apprentice certificates from Singapore,also have 12 years of experience in Electrical trade,Thanks for your time seeking advice from you all...

20th December 2007, 01:08 PM
GGrrrr Just what we need more electricians :D
Sorry Just sour grapes here

Contact ESV they may will let you know what you need to do


Trades Recognition Australia
Department of Industrial Relations
8th Floor, Customs House
414 Latrobe Street
Melbourne Vic 3000

Postal Address:

GPO Box 9879
Melbourne Vic 3001

Telephone: 03 9954 2537

All the best

20th December 2007, 03:44 PM
Hi John999 you will get accreditation for past work in Singapore but as far as I am aware you might still have to sit for a refresher/ competecy test/course to bring you up to speed on the regulations here and for you to be able to perform electrical work in Australia as NEV25 said check his link out and i thing their is another department maybe fair trading should also be able to help out!

20th December 2007, 04:12 PM
Hi John999 you will get accreditation for past work in Singapore but as far as I am aware you might still have to sit for a refresher/ competecy test/course to bring you up to speed on the regulations here and for you to be able to perform electrical work in Australia as NEV25 said check his link out and i thing their is another department maybe fair trading should also be able to help out!

I cann't speak for Victoria but in Qld but the above would apply

Welcome to the forum John and if you have any marine qualifications or have worked in the offshore or ship repair business you will be snapped up before you know it

I can give you plenty of leads into the offshore marine work

20th December 2007, 04:53 PM
Hi Nave25 thanks for the link i read through all the way now i understand how to move my next step,but i have to sit for the theory,practical and oral.So any theory books i can download from any of the sites?thaks in advance.
Hi Patty,thanks for your advice.
Hi Simomatra,yes i have nearly 7 years of experience in Sembawang Shipyard as an Electrician also same time i involved many of the offshore projects during building time.Please guide me on this case,but unfortunatly
i have to stay in Melbourne for my first 2years of PR.In any vacancy in Melbourne pls let me know,thanx.