View Full Version : Mitsubishi vs mitsubishi air conditioner, which one?

12th December 2007, 08:55 PM
Hi All,
I am in the process of installing a 5kw air conditioner in my living area.

Would anyone know anything about Mitsubishi Electric vs Mitsubishi Heavy Industries air conditioners? I am getting conflicting information from the air conditioner installers I talked to, some claimed Mitsubishi Electric to be a "far better" product, others think Mitsubishi Heavy Industries are better. Anyone here have experience with any or better still both companies?

12th December 2007, 10:03 PM
Heard it for someone who heard it for someone who heard it for someone ...... that the Heavy Industries are better.

Don't know but my Mitsubishi Electric AC is showing signs of needing a service.
Not quite as good as it used to be and it is only 13 years old.

12th December 2007, 10:20 PM
Depends on whether or not you are talking the latest stuff.

The Old Mitsu' Heavy Industry gear was rubbish. I didn't have much to do with them but i always copped problems.

The new stuff however is apparently giving Daikin and Mitsu Electric a run for their money. Am yet to see one for myself (probably a while off as i do commercial/industrial stuff) but the word is they are good.

Uncle Bob
12th December 2007, 11:03 PM
The plain ole Mitsu Elect. are easier to lift ;)

13th December 2007, 01:12 AM
The few aircon guys I know reckon the MHI's are about the best(and dearest) you can buy and the ME is rebadged gear?
I have a MHI 3.5hp still ok after 5yrs, not had that much use tho thanks to the reno's.

We've had several brands at work(they run 24/7 in an extreme enviroment)
Dakin Samsung Fujitsu just dont last... lucky to get 18mths out of them!
They just chuck'em and install new ones every year or so... sheer desk jocky brilliance that!
The old custom made jobs in our humpys and cranes just keep going, I've been there 14yrs they were there before me! Admittedly they are well maintained, without them we cant work(OH&S).

13th December 2007, 09:15 PM
Thanks folks for great replies.

Harry, strangely the prices I have seen are about the same MHI or ME for a 5kw reverse cycle air cond + inverter. In fact, based on the cheapest prices MHI won by $50. One thing though, ME's specs on outdoor unit noise look much better, but not sure how reliable are the specs. Anyone had experience on the noise of these babies?

13th December 2007, 10:30 PM
Fujitsu is one that isn't too reliable. All the units we had at work developed the same fault after about 5 years.

Panasonic unit at my parents' house is 10 y.o and is left in heating mode 24/7 (just let the thermostat turn it on and off). One minor failure with the electronics last year and the compressor mounts have shrunk (still trying to work out how that happened) but otherwise OK.