View Full Version : Piano finish with a danish oil

10th December 2007, 04:40 PM
Hi Guys,
I'm trying to get a hi finish with danish oil (I'm using Cabots) on a small cedar table.
trouble is there are some really deep grain holes(is this the right word, probably knot)
After about 4 coats, I got the finish but the grain is still open in a few bits.
Ive cut back, put a thick coat of DO on, then got inventive:rolleyes:

bubbles were appearing where the holes are, so I got out the hairdryer on low and made up a rubber and attempted to fill the grain as it went tacky.Circular motion.The theory being that the warmth from the dryer would bring bubbles to surface
then wiped off exess
I think I filled the gain a bit more but the surface has dulled.

Question? when this dries will I be able to apply another coat or two to get the shine back and will it be stable?.

I have never used a grain filler before because I think it muddies the grain a bit , but maybe this time I should have.


Honorary Bloke
10th December 2007, 10:54 PM
I think a grain filler is your only solution. By that I mean something that dries hard. Danish Oil will never, ever dry hard enough to be used as a filler. It is meant for the excess to be wiped off after each coat.

You can fill the grain with pore filler or even shellac if not too deep. :)

11th December 2007, 08:29 PM
Maybe try some tinted epoxy next time Astrid.

As for the dulling, I'd expect another coat would deal with that.

As for never drying, that would depend on what's in the Cabot's mix.

11th December 2007, 10:43 PM
thanks ern ,
I think it will be ok, Ive a mate who's a proffessional FP and uses this all the time and applys it in much the same way as he does shellac and gets the same finish (well almost)
but he's an ex weightlifter and has a lot more power and stamina than me!
and epoxy is such a bugger to sand back.

thanks bob, cabots isnt a pure oil and hardens up pretty well, just these holes were deeper than usual and I should have filled them first.
Ill let you know how it goes