View Full Version : Still alive!

9th December 2007, 08:28 PM
Hi Guys & Gals, just thought I would pop in to let you all know we are still in the land of the living.
We have been caravanning since early August and have only just organised good reliable broadband internet in the caravan.

We left Bunbury on 10th August and travelled with another couple north as far as Port Headland where due to increasing temparature we turned south on the inland road through Newman to Kalgoorlie then east to Adelaide. From there we went to Albury/Wodonga to get solar panels fitted to the new van then over the Snowy Mountains to Tuross Head, near Moruya on the NSW coast. From there we travelled down the coast through Lakes Entrance & Melbourne, Great Ocean Road to Mt Gambier then up the SA coast to Meningie where we are at this very moment camped in a rest stop before arriving in Adelaide on Wednesday.

I am very much looking forward to getting back to the workshop to inhale some more sawdust to replace the bulldust I have been breathing (and talking she says :roll:) .
The plan is to be back in Bunbury early January after having my first christmas with my mother for more years than I care to remember.

Just thought I would let you share my pain at being away from the shop for so long. lol



9th December 2007, 08:36 PM
Nice trek.

I bet you didnt like that bit from Mt.Gambier to Adelaide.:)

9th December 2007, 09:08 PM
Nice trip Neil :2tsup:

Hope you get some shop time soon.

9th December 2007, 11:09 PM
not a bad wee little trek. More clicks than I would care attempt. Maybe one day......
Hope the rest of the journey is a safe and pleasant one.

10th December 2007, 08:51 AM
:2tsup: Top trip but where's the pics

10th December 2007, 11:05 AM
ok, you asked for it. Here is one photo taken on Great Ocean Road, Victoria 2 days ago. More photos to follow if you wish.

Just found out from our travelling companions that we'll be heading off again just after easter 2008 and heading up to the top of WA, NT and the top of Qld and coming back via central NSW. :U



10th December 2007, 06:28 PM
Yes I would be delighted to see photographs of your journey (in travelling order) .

10th December 2007, 06:48 PM
More pics would be welcome.

10th December 2007, 10:44 PM
Good one Neil :2tsup:
I ran into your boss a couple of months back and he filled me in on your plans when I asked about you.

By the way ... which camera and lenses did the misses end up with ... there's a bunch on here who'd be interested in your impressions of the setup

Great tripping isn't it ... NW and NT is even fantasticer ... but don't tell too mant of those eastern staters as it;s already getting too busy up there now :((

11th December 2007, 08:02 AM
thanks for the pics :2tsup: I am sure many would like to see where you have been

11th December 2007, 12:24 PM
A few more pics of the trip.....

1. New Norcia. A Benedictine Monastary town 100 km north of Perth. Some fine examples of their architecture. If you are interested here (http://www.newnorcia.wa.edu.au/index.htm) is some more info

2. Quobba Station north of Carnarvon WA.

3. A hot spring drilled 914 metres deep to supply fresh water for stock use. The water came up so hot that a trough 80m long was constructed so the water would cool sufficiently for animals to drink.

4. A delightful place for a dip on a 33deg August day. Interesting to see 100 - 125 mm thick branches wedged in the structure beneath the roadway. It sure would be a sight in a flood.

5. Karijini National park, words cannot describe how beautiful this place is.

6. Tom Price, the heart of WA's mining boom.

7. The highest town in Australia.

8. Snowy Mtns scenery, much damage has been done by bushfires but still beautiful country.

Ramps, the lens we got to go on the Canon 350D is a EFS IS 17-55mm. This lens is used for all shooting now with good results.

Jow, that Coorong road makes the Nullarbor look like the Alps. :U



11th December 2007, 06:49 PM
Thanks for the first session of pics. Oddly enough I have stood at the same spot and taken 4 of the same scenes as yours.

I said you would know that trip from Mt. Gambier to Adelaide, our windswcreen wiper broke down that day in storm force winds, I had to use a batten of wood to make a splint to keep the arm from bending.

Looking forward to some more photographs.

12th December 2007, 06:50 PM
That is a wonder set of places a nd photos. I've been to a few of them.
About 40 years ago a mate and I did a trip that included Meningi.
We were lucky because another aquaintance worked for the SA engeneering and water supply Dept. He lined up the Fellow at thbaarage and we got to drive acros to Goolwa by taking the barrage that separates the Murray and Lake Alexandrina.We were very privileged to have had that experience.
Enjoy the rest of your trip.:2tsup::2tsup: