View Full Version : Supplier Polystyrene Cornice - Sydney

David Pryce
9th December 2007, 07:32 PM
I want to replace a piece of damaged Polystyrene Cornice in my Meriton built apartment. I went along to Bunnings and they did not know where I could get any. They said no one uses it any more.

It is horrible stuff, when it gets wet, but I would like to match the current cornice. I cannot find a gryrock cornice with the same profile.

Anyone know of a supplier in Sydney so I can try to match the profile.


9th December 2007, 08:13 PM
Have to agree with you there David it is horribel stuff!!

There have been several attempts to get this type of cornice into the market over the years without success. Simply because it is not a good product. When I was first approached to sell this product it only came in 1.8m lengths. Nobody wanted anything to do with it,

Therefore you may have trouble locating whoever if anybody is selling the stuff, BTW it was all imported so no manufacturer to call either.

If you don't find it you may have to re cornice the area with some thing else.

You may get lucky and I may be wrong, someone may be selling it still in sydney. You could try to google it, you may come up with something.

Sorry for the bad news.

Cheers Rod

9th December 2007, 09:44 PM
David, try hitting Fleabay with the search term "crown molding" and styrene or styrofoam. That's what Americans call some of these cornice profiles.

Cheers, Adam.

David Pryce
10th December 2007, 08:19 AM
I think the best idea is rip it all down and replace. It is in my bedroom.

The cornice is damaged due the large movement in the concrete slabs above and the walls in my apartment in the Sydney sun. The previous owners have just kept on filing the cracks between the top the cornice and the concrete slab with poly filler to
hide the cracks. Looks like they try to put in a screw driver to open up the gap before pumping in the poly filler.

If I rip it down - what are the secrets to applying gryprock 55mm cornice to a concrete wall / concrete slab roof that have a relatively large movement in the summer?

I assume someone is going to ask how big it the movement and it is hard to say. In the walls which are filled with Ramset Firebrake selant about 1 - 2 mm is not uncommon. This is a special flexible filler designed for movement between slabs.