View Full Version : Any creative builders?

9th December 2007, 03:17 PM
Have just started building this deck (see photo) and have come to the point of cutting the bearers off flush with the end joist and relised that the canterlived bearers might make a good shelf once framed up for plants and things, just thought it might make the deck look a little better rather than just a square deck?

Would it be strong enough with a 6'2 in the middle and a couple rows of nogs?

also does it look just stupid, some ideas from the creative side would be good!

10th December 2007, 01:02 PM
bit hard to gather from the one photo - can you post more from the side and underneath??

what is a " 6'2 in the middle "?

in any case, i think it would look good if i am reading you right. will you clad it with floorboards as well?

r's brynk