View Full Version : Patio Misting Systems

4th December 2007, 11:58 PM
I am interested in the misting systems that you see around in some outdoor entertaining areas such as beer gardens and cafes now. I first saw one of these in Bali about six years ago and it seems they are making inroads into the Australian market. They are a basic concept where water is pressurised (I believe between 150 and 400PSI) in a fixed line and fine water sprayers are positioned along the line. The resultant mist is so fine it does not wet you but the resultant cooling effect is around 10 degrees. I visited coolmist.com.au today and although I am impressed I can't help but think they are overpriced. Does anyone know whether the equipment used is standard in some other industry or know where I can buy the pumps, hose and nozzels of the self somewhere else?

5th December 2007, 10:55 PM
Bunnings had them as a kit at one time but I think you will find that they are banned in most states due to our supposed water shortage

7th January 2008, 11:27 PM
Hey Burnsy - how did you go with this ?
I'd be interested to see whether you bought this, from where, and for what price...


8th January 2008, 11:13 AM
Me too!

8th January 2008, 11:23 AM
Some years back, I installed a simple misting spray system (for misting some exotic hot-climate plants then), which comprised stainless steel misting nozzles clamped onto holes drilled into one side of 3/4 inch pvc pipes. The mist spray was pressurized by a simple garden water pump. I don't have any details now (was overseas then, so the suppliers are irrelevant anyway), but suggest you try google-ing "nozzle spray", "misting spray". Various industries or agricultural trades may use such misting nozzles, so you can adapt these as you had suggested.

8th January 2008, 02:05 PM
My local Water Dynamics (Tyco) outlet sells these as a rather pricey kit from the US - runs on normal tap pressure by the look. I'd have thought those that came with a high pressure pump would be a) more effective and b) use less water.

My brother has a misting system on the outdoor area his house in Arizona and swears by them during their summer.

8th January 2008, 02:29 PM
There is a guy in the USA selling a 2x Kit at the moment on eBay.
Do a search for "Patio Mist"
I'm thinking of getting one myself.

8th January 2008, 02:39 PM
I have not had a chance to progress this any further other than talking to a few people. It seems you really need high pressure. My cousin who is a frm manager reckons that quality boom spray nozzels would be the go and will handle the presure required, just get the finest ones available. The idea is that the droplets are so fine that they don't wet you so it would be interesting to see if this works. I was thinking of hooking them up to a $99 Kartcher from Bunnings. The 1000psi systems are $1800 for the pump plus $35 for each nozzel then you have to buy the high pressure hose and fittings to suit.

Keep me posted if anyone gets to try this out with Ag nozzels before I do.

THe ebay ones look interesting and it is for two kits (24 nozzels so is decent value. You might even be able to hook them up to a Kartcher for increased pressure which should result in smaller droplet size.

25th January 2008, 04:47 PM
Would not the karcher be super noisy? You might end up being cool, but I think i would be sitting there with ear plugs on.:cool:

25th January 2008, 06:01 PM

Has a breakdown of parts and prices

16th March 2008, 10:16 PM
Have you had a look at these guys?