View Full Version : Install new kitchen on top of tiles or concrete?

3rd December 2007, 11:02 PM

My old kitchen was removed today - this was originally installed directly on the concrete slab, and the cermaic tiling done afterwards. Now I have a choice - should I install the new cabinets directly on the concrete or tile the exposed concrete first and then install the cabinets (over the tiled area)?

What are the pros and cons of each way?

THANKS a million!

3rd December 2007, 11:45 PM
If you can match the tiles i would lay the tiles and put the cabinets on


1. you avoid the dilema next time
2. if there are slight variations in the cabinet sizes you will be left with a gap that needs filling somehow
3. the low point under the cabinets becomes a water trap which will eventually be absorbed by the cabinets
4. the tiles will seal the concrete
5 if you ever want to relocate cabinets you will have to tile anyway, and
6. you will not have any issues sealing gap where the tiles meet the cabinets


1 Time
2 Money
3 You may not be able to match tiles which will reduce the value of pro's 1 & 5

4th December 2007, 04:55 PM
I have done both,

If your floors out of level, tile after
If your floor is level tile first or after

Tiling first is the eaisiest IMHO

Cutting Edge
4th December 2007, 08:16 PM
Pusser is 100% correct on all counts.

I build and install kitchens for a living. It doesnt matter if the floor is out of level. The kickboard should be scribed to the floor/tiles anyway.

Sorry, but forget about what Bricks is saying about the level of the floor. Its totally wrong. Sorry mate.