View Full Version : tiling a bath hob

1st December 2007, 05:51 PM
Any thoughts on using the same tiles on the island bath hob as the floor and laying them in 2 different patterns. I had been thinking of laying the floor tiles (200 x 200) diagonally and using the same tiles on the hob but laid horizontally. Any one done this or have a view on it?

Dirty Doogie
1st December 2007, 10:53 PM
hi Juan, Are you talking about the vertical face of the hob that comes down to the floor? If so, I think the job might look a bit - er - patchy if the hob face tiles are set square and the floor tiles are diagonal. There would be aline where the floor and the hob meet and the tiles wouldn't line up with grout lines running all over the place.

It might be worthwhile drawing the tile pattern in with chalk to get some idea what it might look like.

2nd December 2007, 09:43 AM
Hi Doog,

Yeah you echo my thoughts. Think I will just lay all the tiles on the square(if I ever get a chance to start).