View Full Version : 540mm dual fuel range?

1st December 2007, 10:38 AM
Does anyone know of any 540mm width dual fuel (gas cooktop, electric oven) freestanding ranges?

My enquiries in the shops so far have found only 600mm or 900mm in the dual fuel type. Plenty of all gas or all electric 540mm, but not a dual fuel version.

Obviously I could modify the kitchen to fit the bigger oven, but I'd rather not do that. And then I could just get a gas or electric only one, but everyone I've asked has managed to convince me that gas cooktop / electric oven is the best way to go - hence the interest in the dual fuel unit.

Edit: Ideally looking for one with separate grill not grill in oven.

4th December 2007, 10:11 PM
No worries. All sorted. Harvey Norman don't have in stock but can order. Cost to be confirmed but around $1300 for fancy stainless steel fan forced one. :)

4th December 2007, 11:17 PM
Plenty of all gas

I didn't think they where making gas ovens any more??

5th December 2007, 10:53 PM
I didn't think they where making gas ovens any more??
Sure are, at least for LPG anyway. Lots of all-gas cookers at Electric World (Retravision) and a few other places. Mostly fairly low end ones without a fan etc however.

I ended up getting the nice stainless steel European one for $1150 delivered. Gas burners on top, grill and oven are electric (fan forced). Amazing how willing to drop the price Harvey Norman were once I said I was paying cash.

It will fit straight in the kitchen with no other work needed apart from connecting it. Measurements are spot on.

I've just bought the house and still can't work out why the previous owner put in a new kitchen (solid timber) but had the worst oven I've ever seen. Parts missing, hotplate arcs (!), oven thermostat doesn't work, grill element is badly bent, fan rattles... Only good thing is it was easy to slide out and remove.