View Full Version : Sleepers as fence posts?

30th November 2007, 05:21 PM
Hi again guys,

We're looking at building a colourbond fence, and wondering if we can use sleepers as fenceposts?
The fence will have the c/bond running horizontally, eg: I==I==I==I
The c/bond is 762mm high, and we're going to overlap to give us a fence height of approx 1542mm.
We'd like the sheeting to be fixed behind the posts, giving a slight 'sunk back' look to the c/bond panels.

What sort of spacing between the posts should I be aiming for?
Will quickset concrete be ok to fix the posts?
What would be the best method for affixing the c/bond sheets to the posts?
Do I have the top sheet of c/bond over the bottom sheet (at the front), or vice versa?

Cheers guys.

1st December 2007, 10:34 PM
I'd lap the top sheet over, when viewed from the streetfront. Suggest you look between 2400 and 2700 as your post spacing; don't go under 2200 as it will potentially look odd on fences more than 900 tall.

Rapid set concrete is fine, but even regular bagmix will do you. Wet the hole a little first if you use bagmix, so it doesn't suck the fresh concrete dry. "Rod" it with a stick of the ribbed reo plunged repeatedly in and out of the hole to expel all air and get the concrete to self-level. Plus, considering you're new to the fun of it all, bagmix gives a little more time for re-positioning.

To fix the tin onto your posts, I would "valley fix" using self-drill gal screws around 50mm long. Check your location in terms of sea spray and cyclonic winds before choosing fasteners - Bluescope maybe able to advise if it comes to that. I'd also set the posts before ordering the tin. Just in case any post centres ended up different to plan!

Regards, Adam.