View Full Version : Painting rendered house

Terry Lamb
21st November 2007, 10:28 AM
I have just had my house fully rendered. Does anyone have any advice or tips for painting render?


Big Shed
21st November 2007, 10:43 AM
We had our last place (Wattle Park in Adelaide) rendered. It was a 50s place with textured cream brick (yum!), double story.

Plasterer did a great job and I painted it with Solver Duraguard, using a fairly long nap roller, two coats.

Last time we were in Adelaide we drove past the place and after nearly 9 years it looked as good as the day I finished painting it.

Up where you are it would pay to use a good quality paint, don't skimp as you don't want to do that job again in a hurry. So Wattyl Solaguard, Solver Duraguard would bea good choice, I'm sure others will come up with different recommendations.

21st November 2007, 11:18 AM
Use 100% acrylic paint or use a mineral silicate based paint from Porters Paints or Kiem (Keim? spelling?) Mineral Paints - this paint will last fro 20-30 years without repaint,but is more expensive.

21st November 2007, 12:31 PM
I presume that the renderers have advised you not to paint until the render has cured.

At least 28 days maybe up to 3 months depending on their product mixture.

Dirty Doogie
21st November 2007, 01:25 PM
A big shaggy roller and lots of good quality paint is all that is needed. Rendered surfaces just soak up the paint.