View Full Version : funny sunflower

20th November 2007, 07:54 PM
this is a sunflower that came up in my garden from some horse sht.

has anyone seen a sunflower do this before?

it has 9 openflowers and 24 buds lamost ready to open.

is this normal or have i got a new breed?

DJ’s Timber
20th November 2007, 08:01 PM
Certainly not normal but has been known to happen, I once saw one that had something like 50 flowers on it :o

20th November 2007, 09:11 PM
ahhh horse puckies

21st November 2007, 06:47 AM
Can you post a pic of the leaves? It looks as though it may be Japanese Sunflower Tithonia Diversifolia (which originally comes from Mexico!) which is a noxious weed up here in FNQ.

21st November 2007, 08:41 AM
I remember hearing that horses, unlike cows and chooks, don't digest seeds well. The truth of this was demonstrated a few years ago when my wife put some horse manure on our garden. Ever since I've been pulling up an amazing variety of weeds, things I've never seen before that look like they've come from other planets.
You'll be lucky if all you get is a sunflower.

Dirty Doogie
21st November 2007, 01:18 PM
Hi Weisy, It looks like a garden type sunflower to me - many of the garden cultivars are bred to have multiple flowers simultaneously - whereas the oil production type usually have one giant head at the top of the stem (for easier harvesting).