View Full Version : Finishing a Jarrah Burl Table Top

20th November 2007, 12:13 AM
Hi, Hope someone can guide me here. I am making a jarrah burl coffee table. Was looking to use the envirotex glass finish for the top only. I have used a solvent finish to ensure there will be minimal bubbles coming up and the clear finish it has left on the sides of the burl are fantastic. Can i apply the envirotex to the top only, or would it be advisable to have it down the sides as well? Or what can I use to stop the envirotex from dribbling down the side and leave a nice smooth even finish at the edge (eg will blue tac work?)?

Thanks in advance

20th November 2007, 06:34 AM
Welcome to the madhouse Doggy!:D
Can"t give advice on Enviro but the Bluetac idea might work. Try it on scrap first. If that fails you could try masking tape. Again try on a scrap first.
Good Luck!!:):)
Make sure we get pics of finished article.