View Full Version : Staining an old buffet

16th November 2007, 03:30 PM
Hi new here, been searching the forums for ideas, but I get way too side tracked with all the cool info

Ok what I want to do is stain an old buffet black, all our furniture is in the black shade. Picked up this oldie thought it had potential, the top has the usual water ring makes, not sure of age guessing the 60s maybe, the old varnish was in a bad state of affairs, typical white water rings on the deck. Stripped it all back, some bits are cedar most is that laminate stuff anyway its in good form, straight and been well made.

Will I have to treat the new wood before I stain it? (worried the grain will lift)

Do I use a straight stain or one of them stain/varnish jobs.

How many coats will it take, id like to try and see the timber pattern, as its quiet nice, be a shame to lose it.

What sort of stain to use, there are too many on the market and last time I used a water based one and yukk I hated it

Guess that will do for starters, any help appreciated

Cheers Deb

ps i'll get a photo on here, camera batteries just died on me

16th November 2007, 07:53 PM
use a spirit based stain, flows on well and dosent hide the grain.
dry 24 hrs, use a danish oil with hardener, like cabots, over the top.
sand to about 400 grit before aplying the stain,
use fine 0000 steel wool between coats of DO but dust well after buffing and run a magnet over the surface before you apply another coat to pick up the tiny bits of steel wool left behind.
apply at least 3 coats drying at least 24 hrs between
the more coats the higher the shine, but with DO it wont look like plasic


17th November 2007, 04:28 PM
thanks for the reply astrid

does the stain go onto the raw timber first or a coat of the DO first?
not sure from your post

Is the one coat of stain enough?

As mentioned its to be a black stain, any tips to the best brand?

With the black stain, I’m hoping it doesn’t make the unit look dark brown, that’s why I questioned about one stain cover being enough.
I’ve used the cabots varnishes before and find it great.


have attached the pic of the buffet

17th November 2007, 04:38 PM
Try Sherwoods. Really good quality spirit stains.

17th November 2007, 04:39 PM
Their website is


17th November 2007, 04:53 PM
Thanks Ravi for the link....checking it out now :;


17th November 2007, 07:40 PM
Thats a nice looking buffet, should come up really great.:2tsup:

19th November 2007, 11:42 AM
Going from the picture that should look great with stain and DO. Can you post a pic when it is done. Looks like a project worth the effort.


20th November 2007, 12:16 PM
yea John I hope it comes up nice, its taken me like a week to sand the sucker as I wanted to finish off with hand sanding, supprising its age the timber is great, I purchased it from a Salvos Store for $90

I'm still waiting if I can get someone to tell me if I hit it with a coat of DO first BEFORE the staining, 'astrid' gave me some instructions but I'm a tad confused to what goes first.:B

I'm still mulling over doing it with black stain :doh: once its done its done LOL...arrr I guess its a case of *just do it*

and yep I'll post some before and afters when finished.
