View Full Version : Tricks to remove old cooktop

9th November 2007, 12:43 PM
Probably an easy obvious thing, but before I go out and do it I thought Id use past peoples experiences to achieve the best result the easiest way and ask you lot.

Ok, so i have an old electric cook top, that sits on grantite benchtops. Its stuck down with some sort of adhesisve all the way round (does not appear to be silicone though - probably the self adhesive rubber that comes with them).

My question: whats the easiest/cleanest and best way to get the old cook top out without causing too much stress on the granite.

My thoughts, lots of thinners - turps, a spatula and perserverence.

Thanks in andvance

9th November 2007, 12:50 PM
Probably stating the obvious, but just in case - make sure any and all clamps holding the cooktop underneath the top are undone.

Then start working on the (dessicated) rubber gasket with a soft plastic spatula/broad knife (credit cards are good for this...kill two birds with one stone) and lots of thinners or turps...whichever does more damage to the rubber.

Any remaining adhesive/rubber can then be rubbed off with a cloth and more solvent.


9th November 2007, 01:07 PM
whats wrong with a sledge hammer?

and a new kitchen? ;)

9th November 2007, 02:22 PM
Cause the kitchen all wood and has beautiful granite and looks a million bucks. Just the previous owners didnt upgrade the cooktops... i know.. half assed. Out with the elctric coils and in with the 900mm induction cooktop (which is the price of a new kitchen).

If I wanted a new kitchen I wouldnt of posted the orginal question here now would I...:~

9th November 2007, 02:37 PM
Hi StartAgain

You will probably find that it is just the foam tape gasket as Syabrite says that has a mixture of grime with it that is holding the cooktop down. I lifted mine using a wide metal spatula but a plastic one maybe better to protect the granite benchtop.

9th November 2007, 06:41 PM
If I wanted a new kitchen I wouldnt of posted the orginal question here now would I...:~You've got to admit that it would be a quick way to get the top out though. :p