View Full Version : another new deck

6th November 2007, 11:04 PM
Hi, I posted something on here before about extending my deck out just enough to cover the old stairs I would like to remove, however after seeing Jaysons and Loki's new big decks I have visions of granduer.

The plan is to remove the front stairs which I don't require any more and add a new deck along the front of my home which will be built between the 2 arrows as displayed in the picture. The measurements are 8 meters long and 4 meters wide.

This deck will be joining my existing deck but it will be stepped down around 300 mm so the height of the new decking floor won't exceed 4 meters from the ground because I intend on using stainless wire balustrading.

This new deck will have a roof so I guess I should be calling it a verandah. My first question is before I even get into symantecs about spans and best suited timber is asthetics. I have supplied a side view picture as well of my home and wanted your oppions and suggestions about wether adding this new verandah with a basic lean-too type roof would suit the existing design. If not any suggestions would be appreciated before I start submitting plans.

Cheers TJ

8th November 2007, 04:50 AM
It's hard to tell from the perspective, but if you went out four metres, then wouldn't that put you on top of that block retaining wall?
You'd be a lot more than four metres from the ground if that was the case.

8th November 2007, 09:17 PM
Hi, yeah your right from the angle it is deceptively small. I still have 500mm between where the front posts will go in the ground before the retaining wall starts to have a deck of 4 metres width.

My real question is what do you sugest I do with the roof line. I have no idea. I know I can't just keep extending the existing roofline at it's existing angle because I will run out of roof height.


9th November 2007, 02:06 AM
Without dropping the deck further for more headroom, I've got no ideas. A flat roof wouldn't compliment the design. You can get roof extendas (http://www.roofextenda.com.au/) and keep the same pitch, but that would look like bit of an abortion as well.
Not a bad looking house, although the handrails and pickets would be more suited to a traditional federation type design, than the 'funky' contemporary look you've got going. You've got the right idea replacing them with cable I reckon.