View Full Version : Removing Stains from American Maple

6th November 2007, 09:31 PM
Because of image size, I uploaded it offsite - watch for pop-ups if you click on it.

http://img106.imageshack.us/img106/8361/mouldy1aho0.th.jpg (http://img106.imageshack.us/my.php?image=mouldy1aho0.jpg)

Unknown to me* (until too late!) my verge pointing let go, and the sarking failed... Result is that these pieces got wet several times, and stayed wet. There are the deep blue-black stains, some lighter "watermarks" and a few mould spots of the more usual type; ones that pretty much brush/scuff-sand away.

I'm wondering what is the best course to minimise residual discolouring. Read up in the archive on oxalic acid, chlorine bleaches and oxygen bleaches - still am not 100% sure. I can't immerse the parts, as it will corrode the internal metal rod - but a good slathering from the outside would be fine.

Finish will probably be clear or light amber nitro over a thin base of water-white shellac. Advice would be appreciated; with the present Sydney weather it is hardly going to fix itself!

Thanks, Adam.

* Typical building trades mentality - ignore the roof over your own head, until it about collapses on you! :-

6th November 2007, 09:47 PM
I hesitate to suggest this
but if this is caused by a metal agent, oxalic acid will remove it almost instantly,
wipe the stained area or soak a cotton ball in it and place it over the stain
use gloves and a mask,
it looks and smells harmless but apparently it's not


7th November 2007, 08:20 AM
Thanks for the suggestion. I can give that a shot within the next few days, and will post back when it's been done.

Regards, Adam.