View Full Version : oil...wait

5th November 2007, 11:35 PM

I made a plane handle out of firewood and will post the photos soon:U:U:U:D:D

I just applies a coat of danish oil, but just want to ask... how long do i have to wait before i can put the coat of wax on. the oil says 3 hours tough dry, 8 hours before re coating and 1 week to achieve maximum hardness.


6th November 2007, 09:02 AM
The instructions are right. Wait 8 hours (or more) between coats (I use at least 3 and often 6 applied at night and in the morning) and then wait a week following the last coat before waxing

Honorary Bloke
6th November 2007, 09:24 AM
Just for confirmation . .. what he said up there above this post.

6th November 2007, 09:45 AM

I'll wait around a week till i put the wax on.....

ah... one question.... if i put the wax on the second day... will the danish oil under that still dry and get hard?


Honorary Bloke
7th November 2007, 12:54 AM
No and no.

The oil can't cure properly through the wax. If you've waxed it, remove the wax, wait some time then re-wax.

And no. Danish oil by its very nature never gets particularly hard. It is a penetration oil/varnish combination that looks good but offers little or no protection from scratches, etc. But it's easy to fix as you can always re-oil it (after removing the wax each time). Some folks never wax it, just re-oil from time to time.

If you want a harder finish, use shellac over the oil to seal it and then use full varnish or wiping varnish or poly varnish. :)

7th November 2007, 04:48 PM
Depends on the formulation. More driers in relation to resins = quicker drying. With Rustins I've waxed after a day of drying. With Organoil DO I'd wait two weeks, knock back any raised grain and then wax.

What brand are you using HS?