View Full Version : advice on dimensions for timber for floor structure

1st November 2007, 01:43 PM

i'm putting a floor in my high-roofed garlic drying shed.

it has uprights at 4m x 3.5m, made out of 2.5mm c-section steel.

the new upstairs section will house my workshop.

i cut my own hardwood timber.

what i don't know is the best dimensions to cut timber used in the bearers and joists for the floor/deck. - 10 inch x 2 and 6 x 2?

will i need to reinforce the uprights somehow?

any advice very gratefully appreciated.



1st November 2007, 04:23 PM
G'day Darkwing.
You can't go wrong cutting 8x2 & 6x2.

10x2 if you are going to have a heap of weight on the floor.

5th November 2007, 06:46 AM
thanks again Trevor

Arthur Dyason
5th November 2007, 07:04 AM

Floor weight will depend on the timber you are using for the floor. If you have a choice I would use the heavier timbers for your beams and joists and use a lighter hardwood like bluegum for the actual floor.

floor thickness is also needed to be considered. are you going to use 25mm or 50mm for the flooring. The thicker floor will take out the bounce in the floor and allow you to use less structure. You will be able to have spacing of 700mm instead of 450mm.

Remember to look up the dried weights of the timber.
